noun, masculine, inanimate
Vasilyevsky Island
Info: An island in St. Petersburg, bordered by the Bolshaya Neva and Malaya Neva Rivers in the south and northeast, and by the Gulf of Finland in the west.
This noun exists in singular form only.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | Васи́льевский о́стров | |
gen.genitive | Васи́льевского о́строва | |
dat.dative | Васи́льевскому о́строву | |
acc.accusative | Васи́льевский о́стров | |
inst.instrumental | Васи́льевским о́стровом | |
prep.prepositional | Васи́льевском о́строве |
Sandy edited declension 4 years ago.
Sandy edited translation and declension 4 years ago.
Sandy edited declension 4 years ago.
Sandy edited noun basics and declension 4 years ago.