noun, feminine
Very rarely used word (top 40,000)
Also: dumpling, the gnocchi.
Example: Я не смог бы проглоти́ть и куска́ чего́-ли́бо так отврати́тельного как клёцка! - You might not know it, but I'd never dine on anything as disgusting as gnocchi!
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | клё́цка | клё́цки |
gen.genitive | клё́цки | клё́цек |
dat.dative | клё́цке | клё́цкам |
acc.accusative | клё́цку | клё́цки |
inst.instrumental | клё́цкой клё́цкою | клё́цками |
prep.prepositional | клё́цке | клё́цках |
Singolin edited translation and declension 1 year ago.
Villy edited translation 4 years ago.
Lucian edited noun basics 5 years ago.
Lucian edited word type 5 years ago.