noun, feminine, inanimate
Very rarely used word (top 50,000)
Info: a dimly lit space between areas of full shadow and full light
Usage info
Scientific term/ also used in photography
Note: Stress change.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | полуте́нь | полуте́ни |
gen.genitive | полуте́ни | полутене́й |
dat.dative | полуте́ни | полуте́ням |
acc.accusative | полуте́нь | полуте́ни |
inst.instrumental | полуте́нью | полуте́нями |
prep.prepositional | полуте́ни | полуте́нях |
elorin_alatarial edited translation and usage info 2 years ago.
Lisa edited declension 5 years ago.
Lisa edited declension 5 years ago.
Lisa edited noun basics 5 years ago.