noun, masculine, inanimate
Rarely used word (top 7,000)
a bundle
Also: bunch, fascicle, bun, knot
Example: пучок укроп - bunch of fennel
Usage info
In relation to hairstyles, this is the term for the classic 'up-do' or hair bun/knot style
Note: Stress change.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | пучо́к | пучки́ |
gen.genitive | пучка́ | пучко́в |
dat.dative | пучку́ | пучка́м |
acc.accusative | пучо́к | пучки́ |
inst.instrumental | пучко́м | пучка́ми |
prep.prepositional | пучке́ | пучка́х |
RandysPudge edited translation 3 years ago.
marinaD edited translation 3 years ago.
Little_Louis edited usage info 3 years ago.