noun, masculine, inanimate
Very rarely used word (top 30,000)
Info: Cambridge is a city in eastern England on the River Cam and home to the prestigious University of Cambridge.
- Он око́нчил Кембридж с отли́чием.He graduated from Cambridge with honors.
- Кембридж — са́мый изве́стный в ми́ре университе́т.Cambridge is the most famous university in the world.
This noun exists in singular form only.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | Ке́мбридж | |
gen.genitive | Ке́мбриджа | |
dat.dative | Ке́мбриджу | |
acc.accusative | Ке́мбридж | |
inst.instrumental | Ке́мбриджем | |
prep.prepositional | Ке́мбридже |
Sandy edited translation 1 year ago.
Sandy edited translation 1 year ago.
Lisa edited declension 5 years ago.
Lisa edited declension 5 years ago.