Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

От головы́ до но́г



  • From head to toe

Usage info

A book for children that will get them activate every part of their bodies, from head to toe. A Russian beginner will take advantage from this book.

Expression parts

  • отfrom (away); from (part of a whole); from (cause); from (distance); from (someone); from (range); for; of
  • голова́head
  • доto (direction); to (distance); before; until; up to (limit)
  • нога́leg


  • Kurt edited stress 11 months ago.
  • shqairmalik edited usage info 1 year ago.
  • Sandy edited stress 3 years ago.
  • Sandy edited translation 3 years ago.