treasures russian
spinning top
rank insignia (of the Soviet Army)
big cabin
treasures found in a clay pot / egg-pod
- По слу́хам там спрятан клад.It is rumoured there are treasures hidden there.
- Мои́ дети — моё сокро́вище.My children are my treasures.
- Неизвестно где бы́ли спрятаны сокро́вища.It isn't known where the treasures were hidden.
- Если э́то угоди́т вашей све́тлости, я привез с собой не́сколько прекра́снейших сокро́вищ со всего све́та.If it would please your lordship, I have brought with me some of the loveliest treasures from around the world.