reasonably russian
reasonably, judiciously, wisely, cleverly, sensibly
panic (to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you cannot think or behave calmly or reasonably)
reasonably, soundly, sensibly
- Фома и́щет поде́ржанный автомоби́ль по уме́ренной цене́.Tom is looking for a reasonably-priced used car.
- Фома разы́скивает поде́ржанную маши́ну по разу́мной цене́.Tom is looking for a reasonably-priced used car.
- Правильно планировать вре́мя - реце́пт успе́шного челове́ка, разумно же планировать его - мудреца́.To plan one's time properly is a recipe of a successful man, to plan it reasonably is that of a sage.