legally russian
it is right, it is in accordance with the law, lawfully, legally
legally, law
legally (as permitted by law)
- В слу́чае сме́рти пацие́нта в тече́ние ку́рса лече́ния, особенно в слу́чае если была́ допущена медици́нская оши́бка, э́то не мо́жет законно счита́ться "случа́йной сме́ртью".In the case of patient death during the course of medical treatment, even if there is medical error present, it is not automatically legally considered to be an "unusual death."
- В Япо́нии лю́ди по зако́ну стано́вятся взро́слыми в двадцать лет.In Japan, people legally become adults at the age of twenty.