inhabited russian
house / dwelling
habitation (an inhabited place), lodging, domicile
housing, accommodation
The Medieval Russian State
The people (collective) who inhabited the medieval russian state
- Когда Колумб откры́л Америку, бизо́ны (Америка́нские бу́йволы) населя́ли обши́рные террито́рии.When Columbus discovered America, bison (American buffalo) inhabited a wide-ranging area.
- Кана́да - э́то страна́, покрытая снегами и льдами восемь ме́сяцев в году. Населена ва́рварами, медве́дями и бобра́ми.Canada, a country covered with snows and ices eight months of the year, inhabited by barbarians, bears and beavers.
- Большая часть острово́в в э́том регио́не обита́ема.Most of the islands in this area are inhabited.
- О́стров был населён рыбака́ми.The island was inhabited by a fishing people.
- О́стров населя́ли лю́ди, промышлявшие ры́бной ло́влей.The island was inhabited by a fishing people.