mounted russian
horse, horse-drawn
cavalry, mounted
travels, departure, passing-track, double-track section, halt, mounted patrol
vulture (bird)
griffin (mythology), gryphon (mythology)
fingerboard, neck (the extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted)
signature stamp
cavalry, the Horse, mounted troops
mounted patrol, breaker, horse-trainer
mounted (suspended) / hinged
intended for hanging, suspended
(an object) describing a steep arc
- Ювели́р помести́л в брошь большую жемчу́жину.The jeweler mounted a big pearl in the brooch.
- Он сел на велосипе́д и уе́хал прочь.He mounted his bicycle and rode away.
- С магни́тами, прикреплёнными к голова́м, они бы́ли неспосо́бны найти́ путь домой.With the magnets mounted on their heads, they were unable to find their way home.
- Она с легкостью забрала́сь на коня́.She mounted the horse with ease.
- Она села на коня́.She mounted the horse.
- Она взобра́лась на ло́шадь.She mounted the horse.
- Том подсоедини́л телеви́зор к анте́нне, кото́рую предыду́щий владе́лец дома установил на кры́ше.Tom connected the TV to the antenna that the previous owner of his house had mounted on the roof.