- 1.
expensive (adverb)
- 2.
Also: dearly
Usage info
The voice again pronounces this word incorrectly, so incorrectly.
- Э́то не будет дорого сто́ить.It won't cost much.
- Э́то дорого, довольно дорого или слишком дорого?Is that expensive, so expensive or too expensive?
- По-моему, э́то слишком дорого.I think that's too expensive.
- Э́то наверняка дорого.It might be expensive.
- Однако э́то дорого.It's expensive though.
- Справедли́вость стоит дорого.Justice is expensive.
- Подойду́т любы́е часы, если э́то не дорого.Any watch will do as long as it is cheap.
- Быть бе́дным дорого.Being poor is expensive.
- Тот велосипе́д сто́ил слишком дорого.The price of that bicycle was too high.
- Э́то очень дорого.That is very expensive.
shqairmalik edited usage info 2 years ago.
shqairmalik edited usage info 2 years ago.
agf edited translation 4 years ago.
anonymous edited translation 5 years ago.