high-born russian
well-born, high-born
- Ты с самого рожде́ния сиди́шь на наркоте.You've been high on drugs since you were born.
- В некотором ца́рстве, в тридевя́том госуда́рстве, за высо́кими гора́ми жил-был один купе́ц. Уже двенадцать лет он был жена́т, но роди́лся у него в то вре́мя лишь один ребенок, до́чка, кото́рую с колыбе́ли называ́ли Василисой Прекра́сной.In a certain Tsardom, across three times nine kingdoms, beyond high mountain chains, there once lived a merchant. He had been married for twelve years, but in that time there had been born to him only one child, a daughter, who from her cradle was called Vasilissa the Beautiful.