All russian nouns
, sorted by how often they are used.Filter:
levelgenderanimation# | Russian | Translation | |
1701 | бык | bull agressive person strong man | |
1702 | сниже́ние | lowering | |
1703 | плач | crying | |
1704 | сало́н | salon | |
1705 | замеча́ние | remark reprimand | |
1706 | беспоко́йство | anxiety or restlessness concern | |
1707 | бра́тец | brother | |
1708 | обору́дование | equipment | |
1709 | буфе́т | canteen | |
1710 | аргуме́нт | argument | |
1711 | лёт | flight | |
1712 | неожи́данность | surprise unexpectedness | |
1713 | цирк | circus | |
1714 | луг | meadow | |
1715 | инвали́д | invalid | |
1716 | исхо́д | outcome | |
1717 | бюро́ | bureau | |
1718 | бедро́ | hip thigh | |
1719 | вздох | sigh breath out | |
1720 | зе́лень | greenery | |
1721 | освобожде́ние | liberation exemption | |
1722 | село́ | village A large peasant settlement is an economic and administrative center for the surrounding villages (in pre-revolutionary Russia a church was also a mandatory part of such a settlement). | |
1723 | аэродро́м | airfield | |
1724 | чин | rank | |
1725 | пле́мя | tribe | |
1726 | мышь | mouse | |
1727 | шу́ба | fur coat | |
1728 | вса́дник | rider | |
1729 | до́ступ | access domain | |
1730 | крючо́к | hook fish-hook | |
1731 | медици́на | medicine | |
1732 | боеви́к | hit action movie | |
1733 | посо́льство | embassy | |
1734 | пребыва́ние | stay | |
1735 | ко́нчик | (colloquial) tip (sharp/narrow end of something | |
1736 | миллиа́рд | billion | |
1737 | моне́та | coin | |
1738 | свист | whistle | |
1739 | шерсть | wool fur | |
1740 | предположе́ние | assumption (outdated) a preliminary intention/plan | |
1741 | по́вар | cook chef | |
1742 | тварь | ||
1743 | каза́к | Cossack | |
1744 | неуда́ча | failure misfortune bad luck | |
1745 | приглаше́ние | invitation | |
1746 | размышле́ние | ponderance | |
1747 | гра́дус | degree( temperature ) | |
1748 | шко́льник | schoolboy | |
1749 | биогра́фия | biography | |
1750 | дровосе́к | wood-cutter lumberjack |