All russian adjectives
, sorted by how often they are used.Filter:
level# | Russian | Translation | |
1 | тот | that | |
2 | весь | all all gone (no more left) whole | |
3 | э́тот | this | |
4 | кото́рый | which who | |
5 | тако́й | such be like this | |
6 | како́й | which | |
7 | мой | my | |
8 | са́мый | the most the very (same) | |
9 | большо́й | big | |
10 | друго́й | other | |
11 | свой | one's own (reflexive) | |
12 | сам | ourselves | |
13 | пе́рвый | first | |
14 | до́лжный | due must | |
15 | но́вый | new | |
16 | ка́ждый | each | |
17 | хоро́ший | good | |
18 | ну́жный | necessary | |
19 | после́дний | last final latter (colloquial) worst | |
20 | второ́й | second | |
21 | ста́рый | old | |
22 | твой | your | |
23 | бе́лый | white | |
24 | гла́вный | main chief | |
25 | никако́й | no...at all | |
26 | не́который | some | |
27 | далёкий | far | |
28 | ма́ленький | little short trifling | |
29 | сове́тский | Soviet | |
30 | ру́сский | Russian | |
31 | по́лный | full absolute exhaustive stout full of | |
32 | любо́й | any whichever one wants | |
33 | изве́стный | well-known | |
34 | о́бщий | common public | |
35 | про́шлый | in the past last | |
36 | похо́жий | similar | |
37 | кра́сный | red | |
38 | высо́кий | tall high (altitude,intensity,pitch etc.) good lofty | |
39 | ра́нний | early | |
40 | це́лый | whole intact integer | |
41 | молодо́й | young new | |
42 | огро́мный | enormous | |
43 | настоя́щий | present true | |
44 | живо́й | alive live | |
45 | чёрный | black (colloquial) dark rough | |
46 | о́ба | both | |
47 | со́бственный | one's own | |
48 | ра́зный | different | |
49 | тре́тий | third third course (time) | |
50 | вели́кий | great outstanding in significance or merit |