Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
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Example: Дере́вья вдоль шоссе́. - Trees along the road
Info: + genitive case
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Usage info
This is a preposition and an adverb
- вдоль и поперёкlengthwise and crosswise
- Дере́вья вдоль дороги бы́ли вырублены.The trees by the road were chopped down.
- Плыви́ вдоль берега.Sail along the coast.
- Злой шимпанзе́ шёл вдоль тротуа́ра и отрыва́л лю́дям лица.The angry chimp went up the sidewalk and ripped everybody's face off.
- Дорога извива́лась вдоль скло́на холма́.The road curled around the side of the hill.
- Вдоль дороги росли́ краси́вые маки.Beautiful poppies were growing beside the road.
- Мы е́хали вдоль берега моря.We drove along the coast.
- Иди́ вдоль реки и ты найдёшь шко́лу.Walk along the river and you will find the school.
- Мы прогуля́лись вдоль реки.We took a walk along the river.
- Дере́вья посажены вдоль у́лицы.The trees are planted along the street.
- Том насви́стывал мело́дию на своем пути́ вдоль реки.Tom whistled a tune as he walked along the river.
drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
Dumbysol edited translation 2 years ago.
Dumbysol edited translation and usage info 2 years ago.
Lisa edited word type 5 years ago.