Rarely used word (top 6,000)
Also: half, in half
- Она зараба́тывает вдвое ме́ньше своего́ му́жа.She earns half as much money as her husband.
- Я сложи́л полоте́нце вдвое.I folded the towel in half.
- Том ел вдвое больше меня.Tom ate twice as much as I did.
- Э́тот мост вдвое длинне́е того́.This bridge is twice the length of that one.
- Том вдвое ста́рше Мэри.Tom is twice as old as Mary.
- Бе́дность не порок, а вдвое ху́же.Poverty is no vice — it's twice as bad.
- Том зараба́тывает вдвое больше, чем я.Tom earns twice as much as I do.
- Он вдвое ста́рше неё.He is twice as old as she is.
- Он заплати́л вдвое обы́чного.He paid double the usual fare.
- Цена́ увели́чилась вдвое по сравне́нию с про́шлым годом.The price is double what it was last year.
Lucian edited word type 5 years ago.