Very rarely used word (top 50,000)
at a considerable price
Also: by spending much time, energy
- Э́то обошло́сь недёшево, не так ли?This wasn't cheap, was it?
- Зо́лото недёшево.Gold isn't cheap.
- Э́тот проду́кт стоит недёшево.The product carries a high price tag.
- Пое́здки на острова стоят недёшево.The trips to the islands are not cheap.
- Э́то будет недёшево.It's not going to be cheap.
- Такси́ от вокза́ла домой обошло́сь мне недёшево.It cost me quite a bit to take a taxi home from the station.
- Э́то недёшево.This isn't cheap.
Lisa edited word type 5 years ago.