by russian
along, down, through, across
about, under, for
by the means of (por medio de), on
hit or punch somewhere
after a certain age
to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)
on the subject of, on
on (weekdays)
by (time)
by, at (place)
from (take, borrow)
already, by this time, by now, ready, no longer
there, later, by and by
bye (informal)
while, in the meantime
so far, for now
until, until now
in the past, bygone
last, yester-
to, towards
by, for
stand-by, downtime, idle period
to go (by horse or vehicle), drive, ride
to travel
to move (from a place)
queue, line
turn, order, succession, one by one
phase, stage (project), place
near, beside, by
to pass, to go to, to walk
to host, to take place
to pass (time), to elapse, to go by
to go off (meeting, gathering), to be held
to study
to undergo
past, by
by the way, incidentally, besides, in fact
as a matter of fact, for the record, incidentally
useful, helpful, handy, welcome, convenient
to bring (by foot), to fetch
to yield, to bear
to offer (apologies, thanks, etc)
to burn (to be consumed by fire)
to be lit
to be
to be owned by someone
much, far, by far, way
it's much, far, by far
neighbouring, neighbour, next, adjacent, near by
gradually, little by little, by degrees
go (by transport), ride
by chance, by accident, accidentally, by any chance
be found, turn up, find the right word to say, find the right thing to do, be, walk for a long time, tire oneself by walking
near/close by
entrance (by car)
to transport someone/something (by vehicle)
to be lucky
by means of, by dint of, properly, by way of
to lead (take) someone/something (by foot)
to drive (a vehicle)
random (person)
by chance
execute by shooting
destroy by shooting from short distance
shoot away, use up bullets
look in, peep in
drop in or drop by
property, characteristics, relationship by marriage, affinity
to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)
to place (under)
to support (with)
to group together
to suggest
to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)
to pencil, outline
by no means, not at all
to find (by searching)
to track down / to look for, to search
orchestra(a large group of musicians who play many different instruments together and are led by a conductor), brass band, orchestra-pit
pass, ride, pass by, drive by, ride by, do, make, exercise, spend on travelling
to remain silent
to remain quiet for some period of time
to avoid answering by remaining quiet
come by flying / arrive by air
to burn (to be consumed by fire)
to transport/carry (by vehicle)
by yourself
quickly slowly and secretly (adv), little by little, gradually.
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
close by near
to move by at high speed
pass unnoticed (time)
spread (rumors etc)
feel for (discover by touch)
past bygone
obligation or commitment (more like a promise)
That which a person or other subject must necessarily do fulfill either by virtue of a promise made or by other circumstances
damage the integrity of something by tearing
little by little
past last bygone
introverted, reserved, buttoned up, closed (by connecting)
search (by warrant)
Belarus, Byelorussia
run to, reach by running
to run in
to bring closer (by leading), place under, support
to sum up
to drive through, ride, pass by, drive by, ride by, do, make, exercise, spend on travelling
strong excitement caused by passionate enthusiasm
(colloquial) to steal
(colloquial) force to go somewhere
by dragging gather in one place
drag away
cause to fall or shoot down
to run over (by a vehicle)
by heart, by rote
by means of, by the use of, through
by the side of, by side
to skip through
to rush by
Belarusian, Byelorussian
shoot, execute by shooting, shoot down, fusillade, machine-gun, use up, use
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
by accident, accidentally, inadvertently
secretly, in secret, surreptitiously, by stealth, on the quiet, on the sly
to burn and destroy by fire
to fire (from cannons guns etc)
to catch in the act (catch red-handed)
to smear/spread/cover with a layer of something
to hit hard
to deprive of clarity
to erase by smearing
to flash by
come by, call on, drop in
reach by running, run to
Remove something from a surface by friction
Damage the skin by friction
Grind an object by friction
Delete any information from the place where it was contained
to enumerate, to list off (one by one)
to transfer (funds, wages)
to follow or be guided by (чем)
at random, by guess-work
run over (e.g. by car)
to bury
fill up by burying
one by one (by turns)
by force/forcibly
saying, proverb, saw, by-word
to enumerate (to list one by one)
name mention everyone everything
to transfer (funds, wages)
to overlook let pass by waste miss
fly by
by chance, quite unexpectedly
off guard, by surprise, unawares, unexpectedly
by the minute
land, by land
swim (by / past / through), sail, cover
deduct, keep back, subtract
to find out by reading
to go by vehicle / to travel
come flying, arrive by air
to smear/spread/cover with a layer of something
to hit hard
to deprive of clarity
to erase by smearing
- Го́род подве́ргся бомбардиро́вке вра́жеских самолётов.The city was bombed by enemy planes.
- Гораздо лу́чше, когда бу́дят пти́чки, чем когда бу́дит буди́льник.Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm.
- До свида́ния!Good bye!
- «Теперь мне пора проща́ться», — внезапно сказа́л он.Now I must say good-bye, he said suddenly.
- Он ушёл из дома, даже не попрощавшись.He left the house without so much as saying good-bye.
- Она помаха́ла мне на проща́ние.She waved good-bye to me.
- Она попроща́лась и пове́сила тру́бку.She just said good-bye and hung up the phone.
- Пока, и не принима́йте э́то бли́зко к се́рдцу.Good-bye, take it easy.
- Он действительно э́то сде́лал, случа́йно ли или намеренно.It is true that he did it, whether by accident or by design.
- Он раньше е́здил в шко́лу на велосипе́де, а теперь на авто́бусе.He used to go to school by bicycle, but now he goes by bus.
- Как сказа́ть "до свида́ния" по-немецки?How do you say "good bye" in German?
- Он прие́хал авто́бусом или по́ездом?Did he come by bus or by train?
- Нет, я не Байрон, я друго́й.No, I’m not Byron, I’m different.
- Вы прие́хали сюда по́ездом или на авто́бусе?Did you come here by train or by bus?
- Суди́ по дела́м его, а не по ви́ду его.Judge him by what he does, not by his appearance.
- Некоторые прибыли на авто́бусе, остальные на по́езде.Some came by bus, and the others - by train.
- Я пошел на ста́нцию попроща́ться с другом.I went to the station to say good-bye to my friend.
- Кто старое помя́нет, тому глаз вон.Let bygones be bygones.
- Как от уве́чных роди́телей рожда́ются иногда уве́чные, иногда неувечные дети, так и от са́мки иногда рожда́ется са́мка, иногда же — не са́мка, а саме́ц. Ведь са́мка представля́ет собой как бы уве́чного самца́.Just as it sometimes happens that deformed offspring are produced by deformed parents, and sometimes not, so the offspring produced by a female are sometimes female, sometimes not, but male, because the female is as it were a deformed male.
- Пока.Bye.
- Пока!Bye!
- Таки́е ве́щи происхо́дят скорее случа́йно, чем намеренно.Such things often happen by accident rather than by design.
- Скотт был совреме́нником Байрона.Scott was a contemporary of Byron.
- Реше́ние в коне́чном ито́ге определя́ется чу́вствами, а не интелле́ктом.Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect.
- Приве́т и пока! Я - Нононг.Hello and bye! I'm Nonong.
- В тот моме́нт, когда мы выходили из смотровой, до́ктор помаха́л руко́й и сказа́л "пока".Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.
- На нас ока́зывают влия́ние и окруже́ние, и насле́дственность.We are influenced both by environment and by heredity.
- Часть из нас пое́хала на авто́бусе, остальные - на велосипе́де.Some of us went by bus, and the others by bicycle.
- Некоторые добира́ются в шко́лу на велосипе́де, други́е - на авто́бусе.Some go to school by bicycle, others go by bus.
- Он прие́хал на маши́не, а не на по́езде.He came by car instead of by train.
- Она ушла́, не попрощавшись.She walked away without saying good bye.
- Мы рабо́таем днём и отдыха́ем но́чью.We work by day and rest by night.
- Как по-немецки сказа́ть "до свида́ния"?How do you say "good bye" in German?
- Как по-немецки будет "до свида́ния"?How do you say "good bye" in German?
- Методы, используемые для преодоле́ния стре́сса, разли́чны для мужчи́н и для же́нщин: запо́й явля́ется основным ме́тодом, используемым мужчи́нами, в то вре́мя как же́нщины справля́ются со стре́ссом при по́мощи обще́ния.The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting.
- Ты должен реши́ть, е́хать на по́езде, или на самолёте.You must decide whether you will go by train or by plane.
- Некоторые пое́хали на по́езде, а некоторые - на авто́бусах и маши́нах.Some people traveled by train, and others by road.
- Следует суди́ть о челове́ке по его врага́м также, как и по его друзья́м.You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.
- Он навсегда попроща́лся.He said good-bye for good.
- Он прости́лся навсегда.He said good-bye for good.
- Иногда я е́зжу на авто́бусе, а иногда - на маши́не.Sometimes I go by bus and sometimes by car.
- Почему вы бере́те силой то, что не мо́жете взять любо́вью?Why do you take by force what you can't take by love?
- Коли ты хо́чешь, чтоб тебя уважа́ли, во-первых и главное, уважа́й сам себя; только э́тим, только самоуваже́нием ты заста́вишь и други́х уважа́ть себя.If you want to be respected by others the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you.
- Не зна́ю, прие́дет ли он на по́езде или на маши́не.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Я не зна́ю, прие́дет ли он на по́езде или на маши́не.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Уж не зна́ю, прие́дет ли он на по́езде или на маши́не.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Я не зна́ю, на по́езде или на маши́не он прие́дет.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Не зна́ю, на по́езде или на маши́не он прие́дет.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Уж не зна́ю, на по́езде или на маши́не он прие́дет.I don't know whether he'll come by train or by car.
- Рассматривая витри́ну магази́на, Дима широко раскры́л глаза, увидев превосхо́дный чёрный костю́м, и ещё больше их расши́рил, заметив це́нник в 3000000,99 BYR.As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 3,000,000.99 BYR price tag.
- Я зна́ю его по и́мени, но не в лицо́.I know him by name, but not by sight.
- Поднявший меч, от меча́ и поги́бнет.He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.
- Смотри́ не на во́зраст, а на дела. Годы обма́нчивы.Judge people not by age, but by behavior. Years are deceptive.
- Я впечатлён не столько сами́м бале́том, сколько тем, как двигается челове́ческое те́ло.I am fascinated not so much by ballet itself as by the way the human body moves.
- Когда по́езд тро́нулся, они помаха́ли рука́ми роди́телям на проща́ние.They waved good-bye to their parents as the train pulled out.
- Совреме́нным ми́ром пра́вят не лю́ди, а иде́и.The modern world isn't governed by people, but by ideas.
- Том был неви́нным очеви́дцем.Tom was an innocent bystander.
- Что бы́ло, то бы́ло.Let's let bygones be bygones.
- Он прие́хал на авто́бусе или на по́езде?Did he come by bus or by train?
- Дура́к — как бараба́н: кто прохо́дит мимо, бьёт его.A fool is like a drum — beaten by anyone passing by.
- Встреча́ют по одёжке, провожа́ют по уму́.You are judged by appearances at first but by your mind later on.
- «Ваше Вели́чество, вы давно ви́дели Намауга?» — «С тех пор, как он сли́лся после того́, как я застрели́л его ту́шку утром – нет». — «Да! Наш ста́рый коро́ль всем зада́ст!» — «Ладно. Держите меня в ку́рсе». — «Без пробле́м». — «Пока». — «Пока».Your Majesty, have you seen Namowg lately? "Not since he ragequit after I shot his ass this morning." "Yeah! That old king is the boss!" "Okay. Keep me posted." "Sure thing." "Bye." "Bye."
- Посмотри́ на вре́мя! Я опозда́ю в шко́лу! Пока! - "Уви́димся позже. Будь осторо́жен".Look at the time! I'm gonna be late for school! Bye! "See you later. Be careful."
- Он при́был мо́рем, но улете́л по во́здуху.He arrived by sea but left by air.
- Византи́йским гре́ческим мона́хам Кириллу и Мефодию приписывается появле́ние алфави́та в России и основа́ние Ру́сской Правосла́вной Це́ркви.The Byzantine Greek monks Cyril and Methodius are credited with bringing the alphabet to Russia and laying the foundations of the Russian Orthodox Church.
- Выно́сливость - э́то спосо́бность нести́ физи́ческую или умственную нагру́зку в тече́ние дли́тельного пери́ода без появле́ния уста́лости. Вы мо́жете увели́чить выно́сливость трениро́вками, ведением здоро́вого о́браза жи́зни, а также здоро́вой и сбалансированной дие́той.Stamina is the capacity to carry on a physical or mental activity for an extensive period of time without getting tired. You can increase your stamina by training, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and by consuming a healthy and balanced diet.
- Я зна́ю его в лицо́, но не по и́мени.I know him by sight, but not by name.
- То ли из-за стра́ха, то ли из-за го́рдости, но он не отве́тил.Whether by fear or by pride, he didn't respond.
- Кора́бль нахо́дится в Византии.The ship is in Byzantium.
- Что бы́ло, то прошло́.Let bygones be bygones.
- Ты е́дешь на авто́бусе, по́ездом или на метро́?Do you go by bus, by train, or by subway?
- Страни́цы па́мяти обычно быва́ют разме́ром не ме́ньше 4 КиБ (4×1024 байт), а систе́мы с большим диапазо́ном адресо́в или большими объёмами реа́льной па́мяти, как правило, испо́льзуют страни́цы бо́льшего разме́ра.Pages are usually at least 4 KiB (4×1024 bytes) in size, and systems with large virtual address ranges or large amounts of real memory generally use larger page sizes.
- Мы пое́дем на маши́не или на такси́?Are we going by car or by taxi?
- С трудо́м верится, сколько вздо́ра несу́т не только по́льзователи фо́рума, но и так называемые "экспе́рты".I can hardly believe how much nonsense is uttered not only by ordinary forum users but also by the so-called experts.
- Она ушла́, не сказав "до свида́ния".She walked away without saying good bye.
- Она ушла́, не простившись.She walked away without saying good bye.
- Иногда она е́здит на авто́бусе, а иногда на маши́не.Sometimes she goes by bus, and sometimes by car.
- Работая непо́лный рабо́чий день, студе́нты мо́гут накопи́ть доста́точно де́нег, чтобы самостоятельно опла́чивать учёбу.Students, by working part time, are able to scrape up tuition fees by themselves.
- Древние гре́ки ве́рили, что Со́лнце передвига́ется по не́бу в запряжённой четырьмя бе́лыми коня́ми колесни́це, управля́емой бо́гом Гелиосом.The ancient Greeks believed that the Sun rode across the sky in a chariot drawn by four white horses driven by the god Heleius.
- Кли́нопись, изобретённая шумерами, в дре́вности использовалась во мно́гих языка́х на Бли́жнем Восто́ке.The cuneiform alphabet invented by the Sumerians was used by many languages in the ancient Near East.
- Чао!Bye!
- Давай пое́дем на по́езде, а не авто́бусом.Let's go by train instead of by bus.
- Давай пое́дем на по́езде, а не на авто́бусе.Let's go by train instead of by bus.
- Дава́йте пое́дем на по́езде, а не на авто́бусе.Let's go by train instead of by bus.
- Ты е́здишь в шко́лу на авто́бусе или на по́езде?Do you go to school by bus or by train?
- Одни прие́хали на маши́не, други́е - на авто́бусе.Some people came by car. Others came by bus.
- Покедова.Bye!
- Том даже до свида́ния не сказа́л.Tom didn't even say good-bye.
- Том даже не попроща́лся.Tom didn't even say good-bye.
- Все разнообра́зные ку́льты, преобладавшие в ри́мском ми́ре, наро́д счита́л одинаково и́стинными, фило́софы – одинаково ло́жными, а чино́вники – одинаково поле́зными. Таки́м о́бразом, терпи́мость порожда́ла не только снисходи́тельность друг к Дру́гу, но даже согла́сие между рели́гиями.The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful. And thus toleration produced not only mutual indulgence, but even religious concord.
- Иногда ты е́здишь на авто́бусе, а иногда на маши́не.Sometimes you go by bus, and sometimes by car.
- Лу́чше ужалиться крапи́вой, чем уколо́ться о ро́зу.It is better to be stung by a nettle than pricked by a rose.
- Взявшие меч, мечо́м поги́бнут.Those who live by the sword die by the sword.
- Том не зна́ет, прие́дет Мэри на маши́не или на велосипе́де.Tom doesn't know whether Mary will come by car or by bicycle.
- Том сиде́л у бассе́йна в пла́вательных шортах, окружённый краси́выми же́нщинами в бики́ни.Tom sat by the pool in swimming trunks, surrounded by beautiful women in bikinis.
- Быстре́е бы́ло бы дое́хать на такси́ или на метро́?Would it be faster to get there by taxi or by subway?
- Ну, мне пора бежа́ть. Пока!Well, it's time for me to run off. Bye!
- Он приезжа́ет на по́езде или на авто́бусе?Is he coming by train or by bus?
- Поднявший меч от меча́ и поги́бнет.He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.
- Я лу́чше пое́ду на метро́, чем на по́езде.I'd rather go by subway than by train.