notion russian
idea, notion, concept
written declaration or statement
performance, show (theatre)
idea, notion, conception
have some notion, be not completely at sea, have some idea
- Я поня́тия не име́л, что вы придёте.I had no notion that you were coming.
- Я поня́тия не име́л, что ты придёшь.I had no notion that you were coming.
- Если бы все вы́учили эсперанто и на́чали говори́ть на нём, поня́тие "эсперантист" потеря́ло бы свой смысл. Я ду́маю, мно́гие эсперантисты э́того не понима́ют.If everyone learned Esperanto and began to speak it, the notion of "an Esperantist" would lose its meaning. I think many Esperantists do not understand this.