All russian nouns
, sorted by how often they are used.Filter:
levelgenderanimation# | Russian | Translation | |
451 | ма́сса | weight mass | |
452 | чёрт | devil | |
453 | царь | tsar | |
454 | фигу́ра | figure | |
455 | проти́вник | enemy | |
456 | даль | distance | |
457 | журна́л | periodical | |
458 | направле́ние | direction | |
459 | замо́к | lock | |
460 | за́мок | castle | |
461 | побе́да | victory | |
462 | сотру́дник | employee | |
463 | а́дрес | address towards | |
464 | пери́од | period | |
465 | евре́й | Jew | |
466 | слух | hearing rumor news | |
467 | клуб | club | |
468 | хвост | tail | |
469 | предме́т | the subject matter/object | |
470 | лече́ние | treatment | |
471 | зре́ние | sight | |
472 | беда́ | misfortune trouble | |
473 | столи́ца | capital | |
474 | обе́д | lunch | |
475 | культу́ра | culture | |
476 | высота́ | height | |
477 | террито́рия | territory | |
478 | костю́м | costume | |
479 | попы́тка | attempt | |
480 | дно | bottom Solid surface soil under the water of a reservoir lower wall of a vessel box or other container bottom social bottom degraded and disadvantaged part of society | |
481 | страни́ца | page | |
482 | еда́ | food | |
483 | разме́р | size dimensions | |
484 | предприя́тие | enterprise/venture | |
485 | сце́на | stage scene | |
486 | фотогра́фия | photography | |
487 | заболева́ние | disease | |
488 | при́нцип | principle | |
489 | миг | moment | |
490 | Евро́па | Europe | |
491 | тётя | aunt | |
492 | ма́стер | master a skilled worker | |
493 | отря́д | а group of people organized for joint activity or the performance of some kind of activity Special military group а subdivision in animal taxonomy | |
494 | стару́ха | old woman | |
495 | руководи́тель | leader | |
496 | жи́тель | inhabitant or resident | |
497 | меч | sword | |
498 | госпо́дь | the Lord | |
499 | тюрьма́ | prison | |
500 | дворе́ц | palace |