judgment russian
law-court, court, justice, judgment, trial, the judges, the bench
hearing, legal hearing
to condemn/judge (~спорить(ся))
to make negative harsh and unconditional value judgments about anyone or anything on the basis of moral spiritual or aesthetic grounds
judgment, opinion, judgement
judgment conviction or condemnation
discretion, judgment
- Судьба́ воздаёт безошибочно.Fate errs not in judgment.
- Наста́л су́дный день.The day of judgment has arrived.
- Не судите, да не судимы будете, ибо каки́м судо́м судите, таки́м будете судимы; и како́ю ме́рою ме́рите, тако́ю и вам будут ме́рить.Judge not, that ye may not be judged, for in what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and in what measure ye measure, it shall be measured to you.
- Сколько вам присуди́ли заплати́ть?How large was the judgment against you?
- Не судите опроме́тчиво.Don't pass judgment too quickly.
- Том всегда су́дит здраво.Tom always shows good judgment.
- Не будь таки́м осуждающим.Stop being so judgmental.
- Э́то всё ло́жные сужде́ния, ты всё по́нял не так.Those are all false judgments, you take it all wrong.
- Религио́зные лю́ди быва́ют весьма резки в сужде́ниях.Some religious people can be very judgmental.