there is no doubt
Also: indisputably, unquestionably, undoubtedly, to be sure, assuredly, beyond question, without argument
Usage info
Help to remember by breaking down the words: Бес - Without Спор - Argument Without argument / Indisputably! Certainly! No doubt!
- Бесспорно, она превосхо́дная пиани́стка.It goes without saying that she is an excellent pianist.
- Ты, бесспорно, са́мый большо́й идио́т, кото́рого я когда-либо встреча́л.You are, hands down, the biggest idiot I've ever met.
- Бесспорно, э́то лу́чший спо́соб.It's indisputably the best method.
- Э́то бесспорно.This is beyond dispute.
- Ты, бесспорно, са́мый большо́й идио́т, кото́рого я когда-либо встреча́ла.You are, hands down, the biggest idiot I've ever met.
ichdieLivi edited related words 1 year ago.
windsorpark edited translation 3 years ago.
windsorpark edited usage info 3 years ago.
windsorpark edited usage info 3 years ago.
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