Rarely used word (top 6,000)
as a result of (в результате)
Also: owing to, on account of, in consequence of
- Э́та дорога была́ частично разру́шена вследствие землетрясе́ния.This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.
- Самолет был задержан на два часа вследствие плохо́й пого́ды.The plane was delayed for two hours on account of the bad weather.
- Он заболе́л вследствие переутомле́ния.As a consequence of overwork, he became ill.
- Он не пошёл учи́ться вследствие боле́зни.He didn't go to study because of his disease.
- Пикник провели́ в спортза́ле вследствие дождя́.The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.
hg edited translation 3 months ago.
jwhitlaw edited translation 5 years ago.
Lucian edited word type and stress 5 years ago.