Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

of russian

  • на

    on (place)

    on (day/week)

    on (means of transport)

    to (direction)

    onto, upon (direction), against (something)

    at (location)


  • с




    off, remove from


    about (indicating approximate time or number)

  • по

    along, down, through, across

    about, under, for

    by the means of (por medio de), on

    hit or punch somewhere

    after a certain age

    to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)

    on the subject of, on

    on (weekdays)

  • из

    from (the inside of)

    out of

  • за


    at (location)

    at (direction)

    for (in support of)

    for (mistake for)

    for (reason)

    for (duration)

    following after, chasing after

    over (a certain age)

    beyond, on the far side of

    out of (location)

  • от

    from (away)

    from (part of a whole)

    from (cause)

    from (distance)

    from (someone)

    from (range)

    for, against a purpose


  • о




    against, over

  • тако́й

    such, so, that sort of

    be like this, as, be

  • како́й

    which, what, what kind of

  • для

    for (the benefit of)


  • стать


    character, type

    points of a horse

    need, necessity

  • чём

    Prepositional of 'что'

  • при



    in the presence of

    in the time of


  • ме́сто

    place, spot, site, locality

    region, area

    site, scene

    room, space

    job, position

    piece of luggage

  • вдруг

    suddenly, all of a sudden, in case

  • пе́ред

    in front of



  • взять

    to take

    to pick, to borrow

    to grab, to get hold of

    to hire

    to choose (from)

  • коне́чно


    of course

  • мно́го



    a lot of, plenty of

  • пра́вда



    sure enough, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact

    though, however, but, admittedly

  • по́лный

    full, complete

    absolute, perfect

    exhaustive, comprehensive


    full of

  • боя́ться

    to be afraid, dread, fear

    constant state of fear from something or someone

  • брать

    to take, to get

    to pick, to borrow, to choose (from)

    to grab, get hold of

    to hire

  • выходи́ть

    to go out, to come out, to leave

    to use up, to run out of

    to get married

    to be published, to be issued

    to come out

  • хозя́ин

    owner, proprietor

    landlord, head of household

    boss, master, chief, principal, manager, hirer, employer

    man, husband

    (computers) host, master

  • бро́сить

    to throw

    to send urgently

    to give up, to quit, to leave off

    to abandon, to forsake

  • вро́де

    seem, think, like, sort of, kind of

  • оста́вить

    to leave, to leave alone

    to abandon, to give up

    to drop, to stop

    to keep, to reserve, to leave in the care of

  • ли́чный

    personal (of a given person), private

    (grammar) personal

  • поря́док

    order of magnitude

    order, sequence

    order, procedure, manner, way, form

    order, regime, system

    (plural) customs, usages, observances

  • нос

    nose, beak, head, prow

    bow of a ship

  • ча́сто

    often, frequently

    closely together, thickly

  • коро́ткий

    short (often length or duration)

  • па́ртия

    party, detachment, group, set

    batch (e.g. of drugs), lot

    game, match

  • речь

    speech, talk about, enunciation, style of speaking, language, discourse, oration, address

  • команди́р

    commander, commanding officer, captain

  • далеко́

    far (away), it is far, it is a long way, far off, a long way off, a great distance away

  • проходи́ть

    to pass, to go to, to walk

    to host, to take place

    to pass (time), to elapse, to go by

    to go off (meeting, gathering), to be held

    to study

    to undergo

  • снять

    to take off (clothes), remove

    to rent (apartment)

    to take a photograph, make a video

    to take (picture(s)), make (video(s))

    to shoot

  • слу́жба

    service, work

    office, department, branch


  • кста́ти

    by the way, incidentally, besides, in fact

    as a matter of fact, for the record, incidentally

    useful, helpful, handy, welcome, convenient

  • вме́сто

    instead of

  • привести́

    to bring (someone with)

    to lead (of a road)

    to result, to lead, to bring

    (mathematics) to reduce

    to quote, to cite, to list

  • предложи́ть

    to suggest

    to offer

    to propose

  • кабине́т

    office, suite, cabinet


  • коле́но

    knee, elbow, joint, node, bend, generation, tribe, figure, part of a piece of music or a song

  • принести́

    to bring (by foot), to fetch

    to yield, to bear

    to offer (apologies, thanks, etc)

  • вся́кий

    every type of, every sort of, any type of, any sort of, all sorts of

  • кру́пный

    of large particles (coarse)

    significant quantity (large amount)

    Wide sweeping (gait steps etc)

    With great material possibilities

    Large in power or influence

    important essential or serious

  • до́ктор

    doctor of Philosophy, doctor, physician

  • ме́стный

    local, of a place

  • смея́ться

    to laugh

    to laugh at

    to mock, to deride, to make fun (of)

  • разви́тие

    development, unfolding of events etc

  • ладо́нь

    palm (of the hand)

  • остально́й

    the rest of, the rest, the others

  • отда́ть

    to give back, to return

    To dedicate or give up (something, like time, energy, or effort)

    to send

    to devote

    to cast (anchor)

    to recoil (of a gun)

  • о́бласть

    area province region

    sphere field (area of knowledge)

  • исче́знуть

    disappear, vanish, wear off

  • офице́р


  • деся́ток

    dozen, decade

    ten (set of ten)

  • прави́ло

    (hunters jargon) tail / brush of an animal

    straightener, reversing rod, strickle (for sharpening scythes)

    rudder, helm (rudder)

  • во́рот

    collar (of a shirt)

  • лист

    sheet of paper

    document, certificate, deed, list

  • лист

    leaf (of a plant)

  • до́лгий

    long, of long duration

  • звезда́


    famous person

    name of service module on the International Space Station

  • мини́стр

    Minister, Secretary, Secretary of State

  • ра́ди

    for the sake of (formal)

  • вско́ре


    In the near future in a short period of time

  • поня́тно

    it is clear, naturally, of course, clearly, plainly, forcibly, perspicuously

  • США

    United States of America (USA)

  • щека́


    mouth (of animals), jaw

  • несмотря́

    despite, in spite of

  • курс

    course, policy, rate of exchange

  • кусо́к

    a piece

    grand (one thousand of some currency)

  • тро́е

    three of ...

  • СССР

    USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Soviet Union

  • отпра́виться

    set off


  • предлага́ть




  • снима́ть

    to take off (clothes), remove

    to rent (apartment)

    to take a photograph, make a video

    to take, make

    to take away, take down

    to film

  • есте́ственно

    naturally, of course

  • закры́ть

    to close, to shut, to shut off, to turn off, to shut down, to close down

    to cover, to hide

  • по́льзоваться

    make use of, profit, enjoy, use

  • спе́шить

    dismount, get off, get down from

  • дно


    floor, bed (bottom of a body of water)

  • разме́р


    dimensions, measure, magnitude of things

  • состоя́ть

    consist, be, be made, include

    be made up of

  • Аме́рика

    America, USA, US, United States, United States of America

  • насчёт

    as regards, concerning, about, of

  • отме́тить

    mark, note, mark off, mention, register


  • предложе́ние

    proposal suggestion or offer


  • вариа́нт

    version (revision, edition of a work)

    idea (personal take on a concept)



  • же́ртва

    victim, sacrifice offering


  • чино́вник

    official, functionary

  • ва́жно

    it is important, with an air of importance, with a consequential air, grandly

  • напро́тив

    opposite, in front of, on the contrary

  • броса́ть

    throw, hurl, fling, chuck, throw about, cast, dart, abandon, forsake, relinquish, give up, leave off

  • мно́жество

    tons of



  • да́ча

    giving, portion, allowance, cottage, summer cottage, piece of woodland, wood plot, wood lot


  • площа́дка

    ground landing platform, the end of the corridor, court


