Often used word (top 900)
Also: in addition, besides, what's more, and, at that, with
Usage info
причём is a conjunctive word used to connect sentences or parts of sentences, indicate supplementary instructions or additional information, and emphasize the importance and relevance of information. It is equivalent to "more" or "besides" in English, and it serves as a supplement and emphasis in sentences.
- Том — адвока́т, причём очень хоро́ший.Tom is a lawyer and a very good one, too.
- Она жа́луется на головны́е бо́ли, причём очень часто.She complains of headaches, and that very often.
- А э́то вообще здесь причём?What has that got to do with anything?
- Что? Это-то тут причём?Huh? How is that relevant?
- Ме́ри наняла́ но́вого домработника, причём компете́нтного.Mary hired a new housekeeper, and a competent one at that.
- Ме́ри наняла́ но́вую домрабо́тницу, причём компете́нтную.Mary hired a new housekeeper, and a competent one at that.
Kur edited related words 7 months ago.
Kur edited usage info 7 months ago.
Kur edited usage info 7 months ago.
Kur edited usage info 7 months ago.