Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

with russian

  • в

    in, at, on, within

    to, into, for

  • с




    off, remove from


    about (indicating approximate time or number)

  • у


    by, at (place)


    from (take, borrow)

  • при



    in the presence of

    in the time of


  • без


    to (time)

  • здесь

    here, with us, in this country, about it, in it, at this point

  • чуть


    a little

    hardly, barely

    (with не) almost, nearly

  • бы́стро

    fast, quickly, rapidly, with speed

  • смерть


    (emphatic with как) dying for


  • знако́мый


    familiar (with) + c

  • ли́бо


    either...or (in terms like 'либо .., либо')

    any- / some- (in words combined with '-либо')

  • привести́

    to bring (someone with)

    to lead (of a road)

    to result, to lead, to bring

    (mathematics) to reduce

    to quote, to cite, to list

  • кру́пный

    of large particles (coarse)

    significant quantity (large amount)

    Wide sweeping (gait steps etc)

    With great material possibilities

    Large in power or influence

    important essential or serious

  • пожа́ловать

    to visit

    to grant, to favor, to regard with favor, to bestow, to confer, to reward

  • вы́ход

    exit, way out, leaving, withdrawal


    solution (way out)

  • свя́занный

    connected (with something), related

  • относи́ться

    relate (to have to do with something)

    to treat someone some way (reflexive)

    to apply

  • причём

    Moreover, in addition, besides, what's more, and, at that, with

  • обяза́тельно


    without fail, surely

  • разуме́ться

    To be obvious

    it goes without saying

  • приду́мать

    think, come up with, devise, invent, to figure it out

    come up (with), make

  • встреча́ться

    meet, encounter, be found, be met with

    rendez-vous, rendezvous

    to date

    to see

    to occur

  • встре́титься

    meet, encounter, see, be found, be met with

    to occur

  • внутри́

    inside, within

  • ва́жно

    it is important, with an air of importance, with a consequential air, grandly

  • разобра́ться

    figure out, deal with

    break down, take apart

  • обо

    about (used only with first person prepositional case pronoun)

    a variant of "о" and "об"


    against, upon

  • забра́ть

    to take someone/something away with you

  • обойти́сь

    to act or treat in some way

    to cost

    to do with or without something

  • сходи́ть

    with "не" to not get up/off from somewhere

    with "не" constantly be somewhere/location

    with "не" constantly be visible

    to go down from somewhere

    to get off vehicle at a stop

  • отойти́

    to go away, go back, move, move aside

    to withdraw, fall back

    to go away temporarily

    to come around, to come back to normal

    to go out of fashion

  • познако́миться

    to meet, make the acquaintance, get to know

    to get acquainted with

  • спо́рить

    to argue with someone

    to discuss

    to bet, to wager

  • вы́вести

    take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch

  • исключе́ние


    за исключением - with the exception

  • ро́вный

    smooth even or flat

    even straight without bends


  • ра́достно

    With joy, happily

  • спра́виться

    deal with smth

  • доста́ться

    to get

    to fall into your hands (get with no effort)

  • охо́тно

    with pleasure, willingly, readily, gladly

  • подвести́

    to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)

    to place (under)

    to support (with)

    to group together

    to suggest

    to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)

    to pencil, outline

  • скаме́йка


    Long seat with a back

  • перенести́

    carry across, postpone, undergo


    to bear, to endure, to stand, to survive, to withstand

  • соотве́тствовать

    suit conform be consistent with

    match correspond to

    to comply/be in line with

  • ла́вка


    long seat without a back

    (small) store, shop

  • несомне́нно

    undoubtedly, doubtless, beyond all question, without question

  • сжечь

    to burn, incinerate

    destroy or harm with fire

  • во́льный

    free unrestricted (with regards to will)

  • уве́ренно

    confidently, with confidence

  • поде́лать

    to do

    to not be able to do something about it (with it "с")

  • заболе́ть

    get sick, fall ill, come down with

  • зали́ть

    to cover when pouring, to pour on, to spill

    to fill up (with liquid)

    to flood (in terms of bodies of water)

    (computing, slang) to upload

  • наби́тый

    Full, well packed, stuffed, crowded, congested, packed with

  • молчали́вый

    not fond of talking much

    understood or done without words

  • завали́ть

    to cover or fill something

    (colloquial) to fail a test

    to be swamped with some work

  • приба́вить

    add to

    (without object and в весе/в росте) to put on weight

  • руководи́ть

    lead, to manage, to run (to conduct or direct with authority)

    be in charge

  • обща́ться

    communicate socialise converse deal with

  • дуть


    blow glass (transitive) (выдуть)

    do something with passion

    drink alot of something (выдуть)

  • равноду́шно

    with indifference, indifferently

  • увести́

    take away, lead away, walk off, withdraw, carry off, lift

  • пробежа́ть

    pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about

  • схвати́ться

    to grab/grasp at (за кого-что)

    to engage in a battle

    (colloquial)suddenly remember or to come to senses

    (simple) Get up and jump up with a quick movement

    (simple) hastily or suddenly start something

    to set or harden (about binder/sticky substance/cement)

  • терпели́во

    patiently, with patience

  • води́ться

    is associated with

    to be found, to live, to be

  • изнутри́

    from within, on the inside

  • по́лость

    cavity (space within something)

  • вы́водить

    take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch

  • выводи́ть

    take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch

  • по́просту

    simply, without ceremony

  • уде́рживать

    holding and not letting move

    withhold or retain/suppress

  • потерпе́ть

    suffer, endure, stand, bear, put up with, tolerate, support

    have patience

  • пёстрый

    covered with multi-colored spots stripes made up of something painted in different colors

    heterogeneous in composition consisting of heterogeneous parts

    ornate pretentious (about speech phrase etc)

  • теле́га

    A four-wheeled cart with a low body and a shaft or drawbar team for transporting someone

    complaint a slander a denunciation

    hard thankless work

    a song in the hip-hop genre Rap verses

  • самостоя́тельно

    independently, without assistance

  • ту́го

    tight, with difficulty, slowly

  • связа́ться

    to connect with

    to contact

  • жи́во

    vividly, strikingly, keenly, with animation, quick, promptly

  • аккура́тный


    accurate, exact in accordance with rules

  • обходи́ться

    do without без


    treat с

    to turn out some way

  • неда́ром

    not for nothing, not without reason, not without purpose

  • бесконе́чно

    infinitely, extremely, endlessly, without end, eternally

  • горячо́

    hotly, with heat, warmly, with warmth

  • по́тный

    sweaty, damp with perspiration

  • вообража́ть

    to imagine

    to think of oneself as being higher than reality (used with о себе)

    to fancy yourself

    imagine something that is not real

  • подозри́тельно

    it is suspicious, suspiciously, with suspicion

  • за́просто

    (colloquial) Without ceremony without observing all the formalities in public life with ease

  • снести́

    to lay (eggs)


    knock down

    tear down

    to endure, put up with

  • бе́режно

    carefully/with care

  • завяза́ть

    to tie or make a knot

    to establish to begin (some relations connections mutual actions)

    to stop or break connection with an activity

  • запре́т

    a ban



  • беле́ть

    to stand out with its white color

    to turn white

  • со́пка

    small mountain with rounded top

  • вреза́ться

    cut, be telescoped, be engraved, be over head and ears in love

    to run into, collide with

  • сунду́к

    A large box with a lid and a lock for storing things and valuables

  • залива́ть

    to cover when pouring, to pour on, to spill

    to fill up (with liquid)

    to flood (in terms of bodies of water)

    (computing, slang) to upload

  • приду́мывать

    come up with

  • примити́вный

    primitive(relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system)

  • смени́ться

    to be switched with

  • ту́по

    dully, stupidly, with a stupid air
