Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
- 1.
there is no time
- 2.
Also: in former times, in the old days
- мне не́когдаI have no time
- Мне некогда ей написа́ть.I have no time to write to her.
- Мне сейчас некогда разгова́ривать.I don't have time to talk now.
- Нам некогда им помога́ть.We don't have time to help them.
- Мне некогда чита́ть.I don't have time to read.
- Мне некогда отвеча́ть на вопро́сы.I don't have time to answer any questions.
- Извините, мне некогда вам сего́дня помога́ть.I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you today.
- Мне сейчас некогда вам помога́ть.I don't have time to help you now.
- Некогда лю́ди счита́ли, что тома́ты ядови́ты.People used to think that the tomato was poisonous.
- На све́те много люде́й, кото́рые жа́луются, что им некогда чита́ть.There are many people in the world who complain that they are too busy to read.
- Мне некогда помога́ть вам с уро́ками.I don't have time to help you with your homework.
n4b3 edited translation 2 years ago.
Lucian edited word type 5 years ago.