noun, masculine, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
- О нём бы́ли сложены́ пе́сни и стихи.Songs and poems were written about him.
- Она очень лю́бит писать стихи.She really likes to write poems.
- Я больше не пишу стихо́в.I don't write poetry anymore.
- Она написа́ла много стихо́в.She wrote a lot of poems.
- Том писал стихи, когда учи́лся в сре́дней шко́ле.Tom wrote poems when he was in high school.
- Том показа́л мне стихи, кото́рые он писал подро́стком.Tom showed me the poems that he'd written when he was a teenager.
- О нём бы́ли написаны пе́сни и стихи.Songs and poems were written about him.
- Что ты ду́маешь о её стихе́?What do you think of her poem?
- Я не пишу стихи.I don't write poetry.
- Э́то кни́га стихо́в.It's a book of poetry.
Note: Stress change.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | стих | стихи́ |
gen.genitive | стиха́ | стихо́в |
dat.dative | стиху́ | стиха́м |
acc.accusative | стих | стихи́ |
inst.instrumental | стихо́м | стиха́ми |
prep.prepositional | стихе́ | стиха́х |
Лишьстобою edited declension 2 months ago.
ghen edited declension 2 months ago.
mirco.deckers edited declension 2 months ago.
luke.hess97 edited translation 4 months ago.