sip russian
take a sip
take a sip
take a sip
take a sip
sip, pull, draw
drink slowly, sip, take to drink, drink occasionally, take to the bottle
Phyle (Sippe, Stamm, antikes Griechenland)
take a mouthful, take a sip
take a sip, taste
toast, sippet
siphon, pluck, liver
- Пе́рвый ма́ленький глото́чек, сделанный из ча́ши нау́ки, превраща́ет тебя в атеи́ста, но Бог ждет тебя на дне э́той ча́ши.The first sip taken from the cup of science turns you into an atheist, but God is waiting for you at the bottom of the cup.
- Ма́му очень раздража́ет звук, с кото́рым па́па прихлёбывает чай.The mother is really annoyed by the sound of the father sipping tea.
- Том сде́лал глоток лимона́да.Tom took a sip of lemonade.
- Том сде́лал глоток молока́.Tom took a sip of his milk.
- Том сде́лал глоток и поста́вил стака́н назад на стол.Tom took a sip of his drink and put the glass back on the table.
- Том сде́лал глоток бре́нди.Tom took a sip of brandy.
- Том пригу́бил вино́, налитое ему Мэри.Tom sipped the wine that Mary had poured for him.
- Она смочи́ла свои́ губы ма́леньким глотко́м воды.She moistened her lips with a sip of water.
- Она глотну́ла своего́ напи́тка.She took a sip of her drink.
- Том отпил свое́й «Маргариты» и улыбну́лся.Tom took a sip of his margarita and smiled.
- Том отхлебну́л свое́й «Маргариты» и улыбну́лся.Tom took a sip of his margarita and smiled.
- Том отпил немного ча́я.Tom sipped some tea.
- Том хлебну́л ещё ко́фе.Tom took another sip of coffee.
- Том взял стака́н со́ка и сде́лал глоток.Tom picked up the glass of juice and took a sip.
- Том отпил из стака́на и вдруг зака́шлялся: вода попа́ла ему не в то го́рло.Tom took a sip of water from the glass and suddenly started coughing, as it went down the wrong way.
- Том отхлебну́л пи́ва из ба́нки.Tom took a sip from his beer can.
- Том отхлебну́л ко́фе из кружки.Tom took a sip from his coffee mug.
- Том отхлебну́л молока́.Tom took a sip of his milk.
- Том отхлебну́л лимона́да.Tom took a sip of lemonade.
- Том отхлебну́л вина.Tom took a sip of wine.
- Том вы́пил глоток вина.Tom took a sip of wine.
- Том сде́лал ещё глоток.Tom took another sip.
- Том отпил из моего́ стака́на.Tom took a sip of my drink.
- Мэри отхлебну́ла ча́ю.Mary sipped her tea.
- Том сде́лал глоток ко́фе.Tom took a sip of coffee.
- Том сде́лал большо́й глоток.Tom took a big sip.
- Том отпил ча́я.Tom took a sip of his tea.
- Том сде́лал глоток ча́я.Tom took a sip of his tea.
- Я сде́лал ещё глоток.I took another sip.