failing russian
to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)
to place (under)
to support (with)
to group together
to suggest
to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)
to pencil, outline
missing, failing
not serving ad proof, failing to prove
- Его си́лы истощаются.His powers are failing.
- Же́нщина спосо́бна не заме́тить сто дел, кото́рые вы устро́или думая о ней, обращаясь лишь к тому еди́нственному, о кото́ром вы забы́ли.A woman is capable of failing to notice the hundred things that you've done her, and to address only the one that you haven't.
- Неуда́ча на экза́мене была́ больно́й те́мой, о кото́рой он не люби́л говори́ть.Failing the exam was a sore point that he did not like to talk about.
- Прова́л на экза́мене стал уда́ром по его самолю́бию.Failing the exam was a blow to his ego.
- Том риску́ет не сдать э́тот предме́т.Tom is in danger of failing this class.
- Моя́ па́мять даёт сбои.My memory is failing.