Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
not far
Also: close, near, nearby
- Том вы́рос недалеко́ от Бостона.Tom was raised near Boston.
- Мой дом недалеко́ от шко́лы.My house is near the school.
- Жильё Тома нахо́дится недалеко́ от лагеря.Tom quarters are near the camp.
- Мы недалеко́ от дома Тома.We're not far from Tom's.
- Том купи́л фотокамеру в магази́не недалеко́ отсюда.Tom bought a camera at a store not too far from here.
- Вокза́л отсюда недалеко́.The station is not far from here.
- Э́то недалеко́ отсюда.It's not far from here.
- Э́то недалеко́ от Бостона.It's not far to Boston.
- Есть ли банкома́т недалеко́ отсюда?Is there a cash machine near here?
- Больни́ца здесь недалеко́.The hospital is near here.
- Becca edited translation 2 weeks ago.
- ichdieLivi edited related words 1 year ago.
- drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
- Lucian edited word type 5 years ago.