noun, masculine, inanimate
Daily used word (top 300)
- Наро́д спас свою́ Ро́дину от враго́в.The people saved their country from the enemies.
- Президе́нт респу́блики выбира́ется наро́дом.The president of the republic is chosen by the people.
- Весь наро́д был тро́нут его ре́чью.All the people were moved by his speech.
- Самое необходи́мое для нашего наро́да - еди́нство, межнациона́льное согла́сие и полити́ческая стаби́льность.The most essential for our people are unity, interethnic consent, and political stability.
- С ка́ждым годом сюда приезжа́ет всё ме́ньше и ме́ньше наро́ду.Fewer people come here every year.
- Рели́гия - о́пиум для наро́да.Religion is the opiate of the masses.
- Поли́тик должен служи́ть наро́ду.A politician should serve the people.
- Мно́гие ду́мают, что демокра́тия - э́то власть наро́да. На самом же де́ле демокра́тия - э́то власть демокра́тов.Many think that democracy is the government of the people. But the truth of the matter is that democracy is the government of democrats.
- Стоя́л тако́й хоро́ший день, поэтому на у́лице бы́ло много наро́ду.It was such a nice day that the street was full of people.
- На конце́рте бы́ло больше наро́да, чем мы предполага́ли.There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated.
singular | plural | |
nom.nominative | наро́д | наро́ды |
gen.genitive | наро́да | наро́дов |
dat.dative | наро́ду | наро́дам |
acc.accusative | наро́д | наро́ды |
inst.instrumental | наро́дом | наро́дами |
prep.prepositional | наро́де | наро́дах |
luke.hess97 edited usage info and related words 4 months ago.
luke.hess97 edited translation and related words 4 months ago.
pyz9188 edited usage info and related words 1 year ago.
Yana edited related words 3 years ago.