Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
Also: unlikely
- вряд лиhardly unlikely (adv)
- Вряд ли она придёт.It isn't likely that she will come.
- Том вряд ли вы́играет.Tom isn't likely to win.
- Том вряд ли теперь переду́мает.Tom isn't likely to change his mind now.
- Том вряд ли заме́тит ра́зницу.Tom isn't likely to notice the difference.
- Мо́жет, я и ви́дел э́тот фильм раньше, но сейчас вряд ли вспо́мню.I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it.
- Э́то вряд ли произойдёт.That's not very likely to happen.
- Он тяжело́ бо́лен и вряд ли вы́здоровеет.He is seriously ill and unlikely to recover.
- Вряд ли стоит э́то обсужда́ть.It is hardly worth discussing.
- Вряд ли произойдёт что-либо серьёзное.It's unlikely that anything serious will happen.
- Вряд ли Том будет здесь вовремя.Tom isn't very likely to be here on time.
Sandy edited translation 1 year ago.
drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
Lisa edited word type 5 years ago.
mattahmet edited translation 7 years ago.