issued russian
to leave, to go out, to get out
to be published, to be issued
to marry (him)
to come out
to go out, to come out, to leave
to use up, to run out of
to get married
to be published, to be issued
to come out
something which was being done (вы́пустить)
- Для финанси́рования войны бы́ли выпущены облига́ции.Bonds were issued to finance a war.
- Но́вые ма́рки будут выпущены в сле́дующем ме́сяце.New stamps will be issued next month.
- Э́тот журна́л выходит ежемесячно.This magazine is issued every month.
- Акт све́рки был оформлен с наруше́нием тре́бований законода́тельства.The reconciliation report was issued in violation of the legislative requirements.
- Они заяви́ли, что слу́хи об их разво́де по́лная ерунда́. Но ведь ды́ма без огня́ не быва́ет.They issued a statement saying that the rumors regarding their divorce were complete nonsense. And yet, there's no smoke without fire.
- Э́та энциклопе́дия выходит по частя́м ка́ждый ме́сяц.This encyclopedia is issued in monthly parts.
- Том сде́лал официа́льное заявле́ние.Tom issued an official statement.