Daily used word (top 100)
- 1.
in fact
Also: after all, surely, indeed
- 2.
given that
Also: as, because
Example: Он зна́ет францу́зский, ведь он учи́л его́ в университе́те - He knows French, because he studied it at the university.
Info: In this case, "ведь" is used to explain or confirm the previous statement.
- 3.
Isn't it?
Example: Ведь уже́ по́здно - It's late, isn't it?
Usage info
Emphasis or Reminder: Ты ведь обещал помочь. You promised to help, remember? My view is that they liked this. We already talked about that, remember? Logical Connection: Я хочу узнать, ведь это важно. (I want to know, since it is important Confirmation or Surprise: On you saw the lottery! (He won the lottery, you knew that!) This is how it is! (It's so easy, you didn't know!)
- Так как мы любим Вас, мы обновля́ем Татоэбу, чтобы Вам бы́ло удо́бнее с ней рабо́тать. Ви́дите? Мы любим вас, так ведь?Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh?
- Ты ведь не за́нят?You're not busy, are you?
- Ты ведь ещё не помы́л руки, пра́вда?You haven't washed your hands yet, have you?
- Стра́нно ви́деть тебя с сигаре́той в зуба́х, ведь раньше ты не кури́л.I'm surprised to see you smoking; you didn't use to.
- Вы ведь не́мец, так?You're German, aren't you?
- Вы собира́етесь пое́хать в Ло́ндон в следующее воскресе́нье, ведь так?You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you?
- У нас ведь есть и други́е возмо́жности.We do have other choices.
- Вы ведь не говори́те по-английски?You can't speak English, can you?
- Ты специа́льно сде́лала оши́бку, ведь так?You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?
- Э́то ведь не после́дний по́езд, да?This isn't the last train, is it?
xenomurph edited tags and translation 2 months ago.
xenomurph edited tags and translation 2 months ago.
xenomurph edited tags and translation 5 months ago.
smartydoofus edited tags 1 year ago.