Rarely used word (top 8,000)
the day before yesterday
- Мы прие́хали в Бостон позавчера.We arrived in Boston the day before yesterday.
- Позавчера родила́сь наша внучка.Our granddaughter was born two days ago.
- Она уе́хала в Америку позавчера.She left for America the day before yesterday.
- Ава́рия произошла́ позавчера.The accident took place the day before yesterday.
- Том позавчера в музе́е ви́дел не́сколько интере́сных мече́й.Tom saw some interesting swords at the museum the day before yesterday.
- Не зна́ю, когда Том звони́л, но э́то бы́ло то ли вчера́, то ли позавчера.I don't know when Tom called, but it was either yesterday or the day before.
- Я встре́тил его позавчера.I met him the day before yesterday.
- Я получи́л твоё письмо́ позавчера.I received your letter the day before yesterday.
- Он уе́хал в Ло́ндон позавчера.He left for London the day before yesterday.
- Том мне так и не сказа́л, почему его позавчера не бы́ло.Tom never told me why he wasn't here the day before yesterday.
Lucian edited word type 5 years ago.