pass-through russian
miss (out)
let pass, let go past, make way, let through, let in
skip, omit, leave out
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
to drive through, ride, pass by, drive by, ride by, do, make, exercise, spend on travelling
Through, pass-through, checkpoint
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
pass, run by, run through, run along, run, cover, skim, scan, run about, miss with all running about
pass through
filter, pass through
to pass through
- Она боя́лась идти́ через лес.She was afraid to pass through the woods.
- Ворота таки́е у́зкие, что маши́на в них не прое́дет.The gate is so narrow that the car can't pass through it.
- Удо́бнее верблю́ду пройти́ сквозь игольные у́ши, нежели бога́тому войти́ в Ца́рствие Божие.It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
- Зимой через э́тот го́рный прохо́д не проби́ться.You can't get through the mountain pass in the winter.
- Пропустите верёвку через кольцо́ и завяжи́те её.Pass the rope through the ring and tie it.
- Около восьмидесяти проце́нтов э́кспорта росси́йского га́за в Евро́пу прохо́дит через Украи́ну.About eighty percent of Russian gas exports to Europe pass through Ukraine.
- Когда прохо́дят через си́льный ветер, самолеты так трясу́тся, но не беспоко́йтесь.When they pass through strong wind, the planes rock like this, but don't worry.