Very rarely used word (top 50,000)
in your opinion
Also: according to, to your way of thinking, as you wish, as you would have it, as you advise
- Кто э́то, по-твоему?Who do you think it is?
- Кто, по-твоему, туда хо́дит?Who do you think goes there?
- Кто вы́играет, по-твоему?Who do you think will win?
- Кем они бы́ли, по-твоему?Who do you think they were?
- Чего они хотя́т, по-твоему?What do you think they want?
- Кто мы, по-твоему, таки́е?Who do you think we are?
- Кто э́то был, по-твоему?Who do you think it was?
- По-твоему, э́то смешно?Do you think it's funny?
- По-твоему, я то́лстый, не так ли?You think I'm fat, don't you?
- Кто, по-твоему, её уби́л?Who do you think killed her?
- Sandy edited word type 3 years ago.
- agf edited translation 3 years ago.