- 1.
to cast off throw off cast away
Also: hurl back, throw back, thrust back, give up, reject, discard
- 2.
throw to the side
- Том отбро́сил письмо́.Tom tossed the letter away.
- Я удивлён, что Том до сих пор жив. Я ду́мал, он ещё много лет назад сопьётся и отбро́сит копы́та.I'm surprised Tom's still alive. I thought he would've drunk himself to death years ago.
- Том отбро́сил все мои́ иде́и.Tom rejected all of my ideas.
- Он вы́дернул сорняки́ и отбро́сил в сто́рону.He pulled up the weeds and threw them away.
- Отбро́сь э́ти стра́хи.Put aside those fears.
- Том отбро́сил сомне́ния и записался на прыжо́к с парашю́том.Tom threw caution to the wind and booked a skydiving lesson.
- Он отбро́сил коньки.He kicked the bucket.
- Постаре́ть — значит отбро́сить беспоко́йство о про́шлом.To grow old means to be rid of anxieties about the past.
- Том отбро́сил э́ту иде́ю.Tom rejected the idea.
Present | Future | |
я | - | отбро́шу |
ты | - | отбро́сишь |
он/она́/оно́ | - | отбро́сит |
мы | - | отбро́сим |
вы | - | отбро́сите |
они́ | - | отбро́сят |
Imperative | |
ты | отбро́сь |
вы | отбро́сьте |
Past | |
masculine | отбро́сил |
feminine | отбро́сила |
neuter | отбро́сило |
plural | отбро́сили |
Active present | ||
Active past | someone who was doing | |
Passive present | ||
Passive past | something which was being done | |
Gerund present | ||
Gerund past | отбро́сив отбросивши | while doing (past) |
luke.hess97 edited translation 1 year ago.
RandysPudge edited translation 3 years ago.