away russian
from (away)
from (part of a whole)
from (cause)
from (distance)
from (someone)
from (range)
for, against a purpose
far (away), it is far, it is a long way, far off, a long way off, a great distance away
to take off (clothes), remove
to rent (apartment)
to take a photograph, make a video
to take, make
to take away, take down
to film
disappear, slip away, slip through
return, give back, give out, give
realize, realise
to reveal (to "give away")
to give up
to report
to take someone/something away with you
to go away, go back, move, move aside
to withdraw, fall back
to go away temporarily
to come around, to come back to normal
to go out of fashion
die, pass away
tidy, clean up, decorate
take away, remove
gather, harvest
put away
send away
To hand out or distribute (in an informal context)
To reveal/ show, expose, or give away (emotions, thoughts, secrets)
To issue, give out, or provide (documents, items, cards, etc.)
represent, impersonate, pose
break loose or tear oneself away, burst
to turn away
execute by shooting
destroy by shooting from short distance
shoot away, use up bullets
tear off, tear away, rip off
run away
boil over
escape, run away
not far away
away / off, aside
not be averse to (to consider), have no objection to
disappear, slip away, slip through
leave, pull out
deviate, diverge
fall back, step aside, walk away
be dying
come to oneself, be all right again
take away, choose, select, pick out
come off, tear off
take off
tear oneself away, take a break from, (let 's) break away
lose touch
take away, take, bereave, amputate, subtract
to postpone delay put off
put away
take away carry away
go crazy
make ends connect
take away, carry off, to carry away
carry off, kidnap, abduct, steal, lift
take away
to cast off throw off cast away, hurl back, throw back, thrust back, give up, reject, discard
throw to the side
(colloquial) to disappear, to vanish, to get lost
(colloquial) to hide, to escape, to get away
take away, to seize, to collect, to take possession of
pick someone up and take away
take away, lead away, walk off, withdraw, carry off, lift
to accompany
to drive someone/something away
from far away, from afar
to bury, inter, hide, conceal, lay away
drive, drive away, make run errands, send on errands
chase, pursue
escape, run away, flee
run down
tidy, clean up, decorate, adorn
take away, remove
put away
run away
boil over
throw away, throw back
tear off, tear away, rip off
throw away
to emit, to eject
come off, tear off, take off, tear oneself away, lose touch
(colloquial) to have a break, to rest from daily routine
to bury, inter, hide, conceal, lay away
to send away/back
to refer to somewhere
to freeze, stand still, sink, stop beating, die away, die down
to liquidate, do away, eliminate, make good
to grasp away
take away, carry off, to carry away
to go out (lights, fire)
to die away
to break away seperate from something (reflexive)
to stop or be cut off
break loose, break away, get away, come unhinged, fall, fall to the ground, fall through, fail, miscarry
To stack, add, sum up, make, assemble, put together, make up, compose, take off, put down
To fold
Put away
melt, thaw, melt away, wane, dwindle, waste away, pine, languish
tear oneself away, break loose, burst
to drive away
tear away, tear down, tear off, pick, pluck, vent, wreck, spoil, frustrate, bring to naught, level to the ground, raze
lay to sleep
pack away
(colloquial) to steal
(colloquial) force to go somewhere
by dragging gather in one place
drag away
pass away, decease, die
push away, repel, repulse, spurn, alienate, antagonize
take away
choose, pickout
take away, take up, take
to take an interest in
be carried away be fond of be engrossed
to get away
to make off (with)
take away, lead away, walk off, withdraw, carry off, lift
to turn away
slip, fall away, scramble down
to move away, to distance oneself
to cast off, throw off, cast away, hurl back, throw back, thrust back, give up, reject, discard
slip, fall away, scramble down
slip, fall away, scramble down
to drive away
to chase away
to climb something
get to some hard to reach place
to leave and go somewhere far away or to hide
distribution, issue, serving out, giving out, payment, extradition
to repulse/to repel, win over, retake, recapture, break off, take away, remove, whet
down with, away with
fly away scattering away while flying
cease, fade, die away, become calm, calm, quiet down, abate, subside, fall, drop
push away, push back
repel, repulse, spurn, alienate, antagonize
to break away seperate from something (reflexive)
to stop or be cut off
fling away, throw off, kick aside
whisk, flap, brush, flick away, look like, resemble, smack
back off or get away
(bookish) to fade away/to lose strength/burn out
slip away, steal, sneak off
wag, glide away, turn off sharply, side-track, prevaricate, be evasive
sharpen, grind, whet, turn
to produce / to make (using a lathe)
wear away, wear down, gnaw
fly there and back, be there and back in no time, fly down, fall down, fly away
whisk, flap, brush, flick away, look like, resemble, smack
die away, fade out, subside
to get away
to screw off (slang)
to fascinate
be carried away
roll, wear out, tire out, roll away, leave, drive off
send away, dismiss, make leave
remove, surgically remove, ablate
carry off, make away, lead away, make off
fall off, fall away, break away, pass
to pull away/aside
to drag/pull back
to chase away, drive off
swim away, float away, be spent quickly, melt away, elapse
- Ты просто убега́ешь от жи́зненных пробле́м.You're just running away from life's problems.
- Как только дверь откры́лась, они убежа́ли.As soon as the door opened, they ran away.
- Не ста́ло Майкла Джексона.Michael Jackson has passed away.
- На твоём ме́сте я бы сразу пошёл домой.If I were you, I'd go home right away.
- Дождь, дождь, уходи́.Rain, rain go away!
- Ю́жная Африка далеко.The South of Africa is far away.
- ЮАР далеко.South Africa is far away.
- Юг Африки далеко.The South of Africa is far away.
- Ты просто убега́ешь от пробле́м.You're just running away from life's problems.
- Она хоте́ла сбежа́ть от повседне́вности.She wanted to get away from everyday life.
- Убери́те со стола́.Clear away the table things.
- Пожалуйста, держи́сь подальше от пруда́.Keep away from that pond, please.
- Скорее всего, они уе́дут на неде́лю.In all likelihood, they'll be away for a week.
- Шко́ле следует отказа́ться от унифо́рмы.The school should do away with the uniform.
- Я тут же вы́звал врача́.Call the doctor right away.
- Мы не мо́жем на самом де́ле его вы́бросить!We can't really throw it away!
- Поте́ря до́чери отняла́ у меня во́лю к жи́зни.Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live.
- Дин и впрямь уме́ет расправля́ться с едо́й.Dean can really put away the food.
- Ты не должен спуска́ть ему обма́н.You shouldn't let him get away with cheating.
- Она сказа́ла ему держа́ться подальше от дурны́х прия́телей.She told him to keep away from bad friends.
- Ты присмо́тришь за нашими живо́тными, пока мы в отъе́зде?Will you look after our pets while we're away?
- Джон уе́хал, даже не попрощавшись.John went away without so much as saying good-by.
- Однако, ма́льчик до́лгое вре́мя не приходи́л.But the boy stayed away for a long time.
- Она отверну́лась в я́рости.She turned away in anger.
- В моё отсу́тствие он будет мои́м замести́телем.He will be my deputy while I am away.
- Вор пробра́лся в дом, пока нас не бы́ло.A thief broke into the house while we were away.
- До Рождества́ оста́лась неде́ля.Christmas is a week away.
- Они отобра́ли у нас всю бумажную рабо́ту.They took away all of our paperwork.
- До́ктор посове́товал ему держа́ться подальше от спиртно́го.The doctor advised him to keep away from drinking.
- Если кто-то позвони́т мне, пока меня нет, скажи́, что я верну́сь в пять.If anyone calls me up while I'm away, tell them I'll be back by five.
- Ты мо́жешь вы́рваться от свои́х роди́телей?Can you break away from your parents?
- Ну, ты узна́ешь о том, что там, когда перейдёшь. Если я самого начала тебе слишком много расскажу́, то не будет так интересно.Well, you'll find out that after you cross. If I give too much away right from the start it won't be so interesting.
- Много часо́в она проваля́лась на пля́же.She idled away many hours on the beach.
- Когда из пеще́ры вы́скочила большая обезья́на, они испуга́лись и убежа́ли.When a big ape emerged from the cave, they got frightened and ran away.
- Тогда ты мо́жешь уплыва́ть.Then you can sail away.
- Никогда не пропуска́й шко́лу без уважи́тельной причи́ны.Never stay away from school without good cause.
- Мы до́лжны положи́ть коне́ц ста́рым правилам.We should do away with these old rules.
- К сожале́нию, мой кот куда-то сбежа́л.Sadly, my cat has gone away somewhere.
- Соба́ка убежа́ла при ви́де меня.The dog ran away at the sight of me.
- Услышав э́тот звук, соба́ка убежа́ла прочь.On hearing the sound, the dog rushed away.
- Я заговори́л с ребёнком на у́лице, но он в конце́ убежа́л.I spoke to a child on the street, but he ended up running away.
- Вы не зна́ли, что он сконча́лся два года назад?Didn't you know that he passed away about two years ago?
- До Рождества́ всего две неде́ли.Christmas is just two weeks away.
- Держи́сь подальше от соба́ки.Keep away from the dog.
- Я сразу узна́л твой го́лос.I recognized your voice right away.
- Вор убежа́л в сто́рону ста́нции.The thief ran away in the direction of the station.
- Она не мо́жет заста́вить себя вы́кинуть фотоальбомы, наполненные па́мятью о нем.She can't bring herself to throw away photo albums filled with memories of him.
- Две соба́ки деру́тся за кость, а третья убега́ет с ней.Two dogs fight for a bone, and the third runs away with it.
- Посети́тель ушел за пять минут до вашего возвраще́ния.The visitor has gone away five minutes before you came back.
- Я хоте́л уда́рить его, но он убежа́л от меня.I wanted to hit him, but he ran away from me.
- Почему он убежа́л?Why did he run away?
- Ты очну́лся, лёжа на камня́х в тёмной пеще́ре. Вверху вдалеке па́дает чуть-чуть све́та. Ты мо́жешь разгляде́ть лишь не́сколько вы́ходов из пеще́ры. Что ты будешь де́лать?You wake up lying on the rocky floor of a dark cave. A little light filters down from above. You can just make out a couple of openings leading away from the cave. What do you do now?
- Их соба́ка была́ така́я зла́я, что всех отпу́гивала.Their dog was so fierce that he kept everyone away.
- Кот за двери - мы́ши в пляс.When the cat is away, the mice will play.
- Её сосе́дка позабо́тится о ребёнке, пока её нет.Her neighbor will care for the children while she is away.
- Ру́чка отвали́лась от двери, когда я схвати́лся за неё.The handle came away from the door when I grasped it.
- Мальчи́шка убежа́л прочь без огля́дки.The boy ran away without looking back.
- Мы проигра́ли почти все наши выездные игры.We lost almost all our away games.
- Увидев меня, ма́льчик убежа́л.The boy ran away when he saw me.
- Почему ты убежа́л?Why did you run away?
- Он посмотре́л ей в глаза — и внезапно ушёл.He looked into her eyes and suddenly went away.
- Кёко ушла́, напевая пе́сню.Kyoko went away, humming a song.
- Уходи́!Go away!
- Прави́тельству следует отказа́ться от да́нных правил.The government should do away with these regulations.
- Она чересчур увлека́ется, когда спо́рит по да́нному по́воду.She tends to get carried away when arguing about that matter.
- Кто отве́тственный в о́фисе, когда бо́сса нет?Who is in charge of the office while the boss is away?
- Ему свойственно смеясь относи́ться к неприя́тностям.Laughing troubles away is characteristic of him.
- Не выбра́сывай э́тот журна́л. Я его еще не прочита́л.Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't read it yet.
- Огро́мное животное сбежа́ло из зоопа́рка.A big animal ran away from the zoo.
- Э́тот мир - на расстоя́нии до́лгих трёхсот миллио́нов световых лет от того́ ми́ра, где живёшь ты.This world is a distant three hundred million light years away from the world where you live.
- Держитесь подальше от э́того.Keep away from that.
- Отойди́!Get away!
- Вода ка́мень то́чит.Constant dripping wears away a stone.
- Она настолько прижи́мистая, что испо́льзует ча́йные паке́тики по три ра́за, прежде чем вы́бросить.She's so cheap that she uses tea bags three times before she throws them away.
- Он прие́хал издалека.He came from far away.
- Уже десять лет, как моего́ отца́ нет в живы́х.It has been ten years since my father passed away.
- Мой де́душка у́мер три года назад.My grandfather passed away three years ago.
- Вор скры́лся с деньга́ми.The thief got away with the money.
- Унеси́те э́тот стол.Take this table away.
- Уже прошло́ десять лет с тех пор, как оте́ц у́мер.It's already been ten years since my father passed away.
- Э́тот мир отделён от ми́ра, в кото́ром живёшь ты, расстоя́нием в триста миллио́нов световых лет.This world is a distant three hundred million light years away from the world where you live.
- Он разбазарил насле́дство на гуля́нки и же́нщин.He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women.
- Я ви́дел, как он убежа́л.I saw him run away.
- Моя́ обезья́на убежа́ла!My monkey ran away!
- Убери́ свои́ кни́ги.Put your books away.
- На твоём ме́сте я бы сразу пошла́ домой.If I were you, I'd go home right away.
- Уходи́.Go away!
- Забери́те э́ти таре́лки, пожалуйста.Please take these dishes away.
- Не надо безде́льничать.You must not idle away.
- Она поцелова́ла ма́льчика, чтобы он больше не пла́кал.She kissed away the boy's tears.
- Сде́лай э́то немедленно.Do it right away.
- Пока меня нет, продолжа́йте рабо́тать.Carry on working while I am away.
- Пол покрасне́л и отверну́лся.Paul blushed and turned away.
- Он будет мои́м замести́телем, пока меня не будет.He will be my deputy while I am away.
- Кто будет присма́тривать за твое́й ко́шкой, пока тебя нет?Who will look after your cat while you are away?
- Пти́цы разлете́лись в ра́зные стороны.The birds flew away in all directions.
- Пти́ца улете́ла и пропа́ла из ви́ду.The bird flew away and was lost to sight.
- «...Ге́рцог Онклед? Ау!» — «А? Ваше Всемогу́щество! Э́то вы?» — «Да, э́то я». — «...Уходите». — «Что?» — «Зельда сказа́ла мне, чтобы я сказа́л вам уйти́». — «Ах она шлю́ха! Вы за э́то поплатитесь!» — «Прошу́, пощади́те — а-а!»...Duke Onkled? Hello? "Huh? Your Omnipotence! Is that you?" "Yes, it's me." "...Go away." "What?" "Zelda told me to tell you to go away." "That hoe! You're going to be paying for that!" "Please, have mercy—urgh!"
- Хва́тит лиша́ть меня права лиша́ть прав други́х.Stop taking away my right to take away other people's right.
- Четыре из мои́х люби́мых Рожде́ственских пе́сен э́то - "Silent Night", "Joy to the World", "The First Noel" и "Away in the Manger".Four of my favorite Christmas carols are "Silent Night," "Joy to the World," "The First Noel" and "Away in the Manger."