withdraw russian
exit, way out, leaving, withdrawal
solution (way out)
to go away, go back, move, move aside
to withdraw, fall back
to go away temporarily
to come around, to come back to normal
to go out of fashion
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
take away, lead away, walk off, withdraw, carry off, lift
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
a ban
take away, lead away, walk off, withdraw, carry off, lift
seizure, withdrawal, removal, immobilization, exception
rejection, objection, withdrawal, challenge, allotment, pipe-bend, tap, tapping, bend, spreader
retreat, retire, withdraw, make off
withdraw, remove, immobilize
deaden, necrotize, withdraw from circulation
withdrawal, carrying off, lifting
- Мно́гие лю́ди испо́льзуют банкома́ты для сня́тия де́нег.Many people use cash machines to withdraw money.
- Она намерева́лась снять все свои́ накопле́ния из ба́нка.She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank.
- Сове́тские войска на́чали покида́ть Афганиста́н.The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan.
- Они бы́ли вы́нуждены отступи́ть.They were forced to withdraw.
- Мы мо́жем только наде́яться, что прави́тельство реши́т вы́вести свои́ войска.We can only hope that the government decides to withdraw its troops.
- Сове́тские войска на́чали вы́вод войск из Афганиста́на.The Soviet troops have started the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- Симпто́мы отме́ны тяжеле́е, чем я ду́мал.The withdrawal symptoms are more severe than I thought.
- Сколько де́нег вы бы хоте́ли снять?How much money you would like to withdraw?
- Мо́жешь хоть прямо сейчас вы́йти из клу́ба.You may as well withdraw from the club right away.
- Симпто́мы абстинентного синдро́ма тяжеле́е, чем я ду́мал.The withdrawal symptoms are more severe than I thought.
- Ему пришло́сь взять свои́ слова обратно.He had to withdraw.
- Ему пришло́сь отступи́ть.He had to withdraw.
- Ему пришло́сь ретирова́ться.He had to withdraw.
- Мно́гие лю́ди по́льзуются банкома́тами для сня́тия де́нег.Many people use ATMs to withdraw money.