Daily used word (top 100)
- 1.
Also: if
Info: good or bad, when only one ли , two или
- 2.
interrogative particle (placed after the first word in a sentence or phrase)
Info: Do/does/did...? Is/are/was/were...?
Usage info
Ли always goes after the question/interrogative word. например: <<Я спросил отца, всю ли газету он прочитал>> I asked father whether he read the whole paper. For more info refer to topics titled Indirect Speech
- вряд лиhardly unlikely (adv)
- Могу́ ли я на днях прийти́ к Вам домой?Could I drop by your place one of these days?
- Нечто столь стра́нное едва ли мо́жет произойти́.Such a strange thing is not likely to happen.
- Мэри нра́вится Япо́ния, не так ли?Mary likes Japan, doesn't she?
- Успе́ет ли он на по́езд?Will he be able to catch the train?
- Вопро́с в том, можно ли ей доверя́ть.The question is whether she can be trusted.
- Э́то обошло́сь недёшево, не так ли?This wasn't cheap, was it?
- У нас едва ли бы́ло доста́точно пирога на всех мальчиков.We hardly had enough cake for every boy.
- Ты ведь собира́лся сейчас же её бро́сить, не так ли?You were about to dump her flat out, weren't you?
- Будет ли сего́дня вечером снег?Is it going to snow tonight?
- Смогу́ ли я уви́деть вас в сле́дующий понеде́льник?Will I be able to see you next Monday?
- xenomurph edited translation 1 month ago.
- xenomurph edited translation 1 month ago.
- windsorpark edited usage info 2 years ago.
- windsorpark edited usage info 2 years ago.