Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

context russian

  • выдава́ть

    To hand out or distribute (in an informal context)

    To reveal/ show, expose, or give away (emotions, thoughts, secrets)

    To issue, give out, or provide (documents, items, cards, etc.)

    represent, impersonate, pose

  • отрабо́тать

    to finish working, to work off/pay off

    To train (in sports or work-related contexts), practice, or rehearse

    to work out/identify weak points/practice( skills)

  • конте́кст


  • неприя́тель

    a person who is hostile

    (military context) enemy

  • приумножа́ть

    multiply (used in non math contexts often)
