All russian verbs
, sorted by how often they are used.Filter:
levelaspect# | Russian | Translation | |
51 | быва́ть | To be To happen To be inclined to be to visit | |
52 | слы́шать | to hear (colloquial, transitive) to smell | |
53 | уйти́ | leave take (time, quantity...) retire | |
54 | боя́ться | to be afraid constant state of fear from something or someone | |
55 | слу́шать | listen to | |
56 | гляде́ть | look | |
57 | сесть | to sit down | |
58 | остава́ться | remain to be the only possible action | |
59 | хоте́ться | (impersonal) to like want | |
60 | написа́ть | write paint | |
61 | чита́ть | read | |
62 | чу́вствовать | to feel | |
63 | вести́ | to lead to behave (oneself) to keep a diary to drive be engaged | |
64 | продолжа́ть | to continue to keep on | |
65 | успе́ть | to have time to manage to do | |
66 | брать | to take to pick to grab to hire | |
67 | пройти́ | to pass to get to to make one's way to be held (event) | |
68 | начина́ть | to begin | |
69 | появи́ться | to appear/show up | |
70 | забы́ть | to forget [something] to neglect to leave to let it go | |
71 | вспо́мнить | to recall | |
72 | пыта́ться | to try to seek to endeavor | |
73 | находи́ться | be situated to be here | |
74 | держа́ть | to hold to take | |
75 | проси́ть | to request to ask a favour to beg | |
76 | показа́ть | to show to display to reveal to point to depose | |
77 | выходи́ть | to go out to use up to get married to be published to come out | |
78 | вы́ходить | rear nurse go over | |
79 | подня́ть | to lift to increase | |
80 | называ́ть | to call | |
81 | посла́ть | to send to swear (at) | |
82 | подойти́ | to approach to fit | |
83 | рассказа́ть | to tell to relate | |
84 | встать | to get up to rise (sun) to arise to stop | |
85 | спра́шивать | to ask to demand | |
86 | сле́довать | to follow should | |
87 | поста́вить | to put | |
88 | бро́сить | to throw to send urgently to give up to abandon | |
89 | оста́вить | to leave to abandon to drop to keep | |
90 | отвеча́ть | to answer | |
91 | уходи́ть | leave | |
92 | войти́ | to enter | |
93 | расска́зывать | to tell to relate | |
94 | молча́ть | to be silent | |
95 | спать | to sleep | |
96 | явля́ться | appear literally "is" | |
97 | иска́ть | to look for to sue (law) | |
98 | останови́ться | to stop to stay (as a visitor) | |
99 | ве́рить | to believe to believe in | |
100 | игра́ть | to play |