Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

basis russian

  • нача́ло

    beginning, commencement, start, onset

    source, origin

    (plu) principles, basis, basics

    command, authority

  • основа́ние



    grounds, reason

  • осно́ва

    base, basis, principles, fundamentals, warp, stem



  • ба́за

    base, basis

  • ежедне́вно

    Daily, every day, on a daily basis

  • осужда́ть

    to condemn/judge (~спорить(ся))

    to make negative harsh and unconditional value judgments about anyone or anything on the basis of moral spiritual or aesthetic grounds

  • напрока́т

    on loan / on a loan basis

    for rent, for hire

  • ба́зис

    base, basis

  • ан

    сonnects two sentences the second of which expresses an inconsistency the opposite of what is expected on the basis of the first sentence

    It is used at the beginning of a sentence (in a dialogue) to strengthen the opposition to what is assumed

  • усто́и

    foundations, basis
