Daily used word (top 100)
- 1.
Example: Гара́ж нахо́дится за домо́м. - The garage is behind the house.
Info: за + location in instrumental case
- 2.
at (location)
Example: Го́сти сиде́ли за столо́м и у́жинали. - The guests were sitting at the table and having dinner.
Info: за + location in instrumental case
- 3.
at (direction)
Example: Го́сти сня́ли пальто́ и се́ли за стол. - The guests took off their coats and sat at the table.
Info: за + location in accusative case
- 4.
for (in support of)
Example: Он голосова́л за Тра́мпа. - He voted for Trump.
Info: за + object in accusative case
- 5.
for (mistake for)
Example: Его́ при́няли за её́ му́жа. - He was mistaken for her husband.
Info: за + object in accusative case
- 6.
for (reason)
Example: Он отсиде́л 5 лет за ограбле́ние. - He did 5 years in prison for robbery.
Info: за + object in accusative case
- 7.
for (duration)
Example: Он работал там два месяца. - He worked there for two months.
- 8.
following after
Also: chasing after
Example: Почему́ он бежи́т за на́ми? Что он хо́чет от нас? - Why is he running after us? Does he need something?
Info: за + object in instrumental case
- 9.
over (a certain age)
Example: Я ду́маю, ему́ уже за 50. - I think he's over 50.
Info: за + number in accusative case
- 10.
Also: on the far side of
Example: Что лежи́т за преде́лами наблюда́емой Вселе́нной? - What lies beyond the edge of the observable universe?
Info: за + object in instrumental case
- 11.
out of (location)
Example: Я был вчера́ за́ городом. - I was out of town yesterday.
Info: за + object in instrumental case
Usage info
за то: for the fact за это: for this за...До: From...to is used for: (i) Thanking, paying, rewarding, punishing for (ii) Identifying, evaluating as (iii) Seizing, holding, leading by (iv) Feelings experienced on behalf of someone else (v) The meaning ‘in favour of’ Note: "Что за" in the meaning "какой" does not affect the case of the dependentnoun
- ни за что ни про чтоfor nothing at all
- ни за что́never (not at any price); for nothing
- не́ за чтоyou're welcome
- за грани́цуabroad
- хватит за глазаEnough
- Моя́ золо́вка за пять лет родила́ четверых дете́й.My sister-in-law had four children in five years.
- Я пойма́л её за ру́ку.I caught her by the hand.
- Я заплати́ла двести до́лларов за э́ту су́мочку.I paid $200 for this bag.
- Нет, все свое: ни за кого не пойду́, как за Василья Грускова.But no, you will have your own way: 'I won't marry anybody but Vasily Gruskoff.'
- Мно́гие бы ухвати́лись за возмо́жность жить в Нью-Йорке.Many would jump at the chance to live in New York.
- Мэри и ее сестра́ по о́череди присма́тривали за больно́й ма́терью.Mary and her sister took turns at looking after their sick mother.
- Извините за опозда́ние, у меня бы́ло много рабо́ты.I'm sorry I am late, but there's been a lot of work to do.
- Живо́тные у́мерли одно за одним.One after another the animals died.
- Он извини́лся за опозда́ние.He excused himself for being late.
- Из-за боле́зни я не смог уе́хать за грани́цу.Illness prevented me from going abroad.
drvuquangson edited usage info 2 years ago.
drvuquangson edited usage info 2 years ago.
drvuquangson edited usage info 2 years ago.
drvuquangson edited usage info 2 years ago.