Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️


Daily used word (top 10)


  • 1.

    on (place)

    Example: Ва́за стои́т на столе́. - The vase is on the table.

    Info: на + object in prepositional

  • 2.

    on (day/week)

    Example: На сле́дующий день он не пришёл на рабо́ту. - He didn't show up for work on the following day.

    Info: на + time in prepositional

  • 3.

    on (means of transport)

    Example: Мы е́здим в шко́лу на авто́бусе. - We go to school by bus.

    Info: на + means of transport in prepositional

  • 4.

    to (direction)

    Example: Де́вушки пошли́ на стадио́н посмотре́ть футбо́л. - The girls went to the stadium to watch a football game.

    Info: на + работа, стадион, почта, фабрика, завод or урок in accusative case

  • 5.


    Also: upon (direction), against (something)

    Example: Ко́шка пры́гнула на сто́л. - The cat jumped onto the table.

    Info: на + location in accusative case

  • 6.

    at (location)

    Example: Он на рабо́те, а не в ба́ре. - He is at work, not at a bar.

    Info: на + работа, стадион, почта, фабрика, завод or урок in prepositional

  • 7.


    Example: только на 50 лет - only for 50 years

    Info: + accusative

Usage info

+ accusative: motion, direction + prepositional: location, situation (i) На has many literal and figurative meanings which denote various forms of direction, allocation, expenditure etc.: (ii) The main verb or adjective may denote resolve: (iii) Follows the main verb, adjective or noun may express reaction:


Related words


  • drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
  • drvuquangson edited usage info 2 years ago.
  • drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
  • drvuquangson edited translation 2 years ago.
