place russian
on (place)
on (day/week)
on (means of transport)
to (direction)
onto, upon (direction), against (something)
at (location)
by, at (place)
from (take, borrow)
whether, if
interrogative particle (placed after the first word in a sentence or phrase)
place, spot, site, locality
region, area
site, scene
room, space
job, position
piece of luggage
To be, be present, frequent
To happen, take place
To be inclined to be, tend to be
to visit, to be at
to put, place
to happen, occur, take place, be going on, go on, come
to derive, descend, originate, be descended
to arise, result, spring
to go (by horse or vehicle), drive, ride
to travel
to move (from a place)
queue, line
turn, order, succession, one by one
phase, stage (project), place
to happen, occur, take place
to derive, be descended, originate
to spring, arise, result
to pass, to go to, to walk
to host, to take place
to pass (time), to elapse, to go by
to go off (meeting, gathering), to be held
to study
to undergo
to introduce, to place before [someone]
to imagine, to place before [one’s mind]
to represent
local, of a place
to send (here, to this place)
dot: period
point (physical place)
to put or place
set up, install, place
establish, determine
fixed (set, agreed), prescribed, authored
put / placed
source, a place where something is born appears or begins to spread
lodgement, premise(s), apartment, quarters, place
to take place or to be held
to establish oneself
arrange, organize, establish, make, settle, put in order, place, fix up, set up
suit, be convenient
put, lay, place
to put in place (to a lying down down position)
to put out, stick out, expose
to put forward, bring forward, place in front
to propose, suggest
to flaunt, to show off
to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)
to place (under)
to support (with)
to group together
to suggest
to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)
to pencil, outline
current (electricity, water, air)
mating-place (for birds)
house / dwelling
habitation (an inhabited place), lodging, domicile
housing, accommodation
hold, to carry out, to take place
has/have been held
of this place, local, here
arrange, place, move apart, let out
dully, vaguely, in a muffled way (sound)
out-of-the-way, remotely (place)
to be (at some place) remain or stay
parking, moorage, station, post, stopping place, parking place, parking lot, sit, stand, stop, mooring
stalker (persistant follower), unwanted follower
someone who is good in navigating off-limit places
little place
small town
dimunitive of место
put, place, move up, put near, substitute, hold up, offer
to frame, set up
(figurative, colloquial) to expose, to leave vulnerable
to place, put, locate, set, bestow
to invest
to insert, publish
to lodge, put up, accommodate
get to or disappear to some place
to hold
using a little effort to help hold something in place
set, place, mount, install, rig up, establish, determine, fix, ascertain
prepare, be ahead, be about to take place, be imminent, be threatening
to be placed
to fit inside
to bring closer (by leading), place under, support
to sum up
there is nowhere, there is no place
(colloquial) to steal
(colloquial) force to go somewhere
by dragging gather in one place
drag away
post place put advertise, stow, quarter, billet, invest
arrange in a certain order
official document or registration of someones residence in a place
of that place
take your place somewhere
get residence upon arrival
to put/to place, move up, put near, substitute, hold up, offer
to frame
(figurative, colloquial) to expose, to leave vulnerable
placer, scattering
cinder, burnt out place in forest
Remove something from a surface by friction
Damage the skin by friction
Grind an object by friction
Delete any information from the place where it was contained
to climb something
get to some hard to reach place
to leave and go somewhere far away or to hide
out of place
peculiar only to a certain place and not extending certain limits
cover, hide, screen, shield, overshadow, take the place, push into the background
to place around something or surround
to impose tax
to rudely scold
place, stare
cover, hide, screen, shield, overshadow, take the place, push into the background
to send (here, to this place)
to put
to place
to do with
the place where the water source begins the beginning of a stream a river
action in meaning of истечь/истекать
arrange, place, move apart, let out
lay, place, put, blame, entrust
first place, championship
take another seat, change places, exchange seats, change
low place, depression, lowland
dry weather
about something uninteresting
dry branches
dry place on the ground
burial, burial place
to rake into one place
to rake off or away from somewhere
With a strong movement, take and grab something
provide someone place to stay
set up, place
classify as secret, place on secret list, restrict, hush up, admit to secret work, give access to secret documents
wintering, winter stay, hibernation, winter-camp, polar station
moving to warm places during the cold season
trench/depression/recessed place
roam from place to place, be a nomad, migrate, wander
calm or lull
A quiet place protected from the wind
Temporary cessation of the wind
Suspension weakening of some action
The place where the conspiratorial meetings take place
Obsolete Message report to the authorities about something
find room, a place, for oneself, perch oneself
have (hopes, expectations for), lay, place, entrust
thick forest
wilderness, desolate place
backwater, podunk
dwelling-place, abode, cloister
tourist attraction, place of interest, attraction, landmark
object of worship, sacred place
place, put, locate, invest, lodge, accommodate, put up
to be sitting in many places
take one's seat
survive, live, drive out, make place too hot to hold, get rid
out of place
it is appropriate, it is not out of place, appropriately, aptly, in place, opportunely
Действие по глаг сходить
A place where people go down or get off
(deep) in the backwoods, hinterland, remote place, outback
a place/room for guards or security
get a place, be settled, be fixed up, join up, form up, join, take up, formation
get ready, place oneself in readiness
to step in, take the place (of something)
to rake into one place
to rake off or away from somewhere
With a strong movement take and grab something
watering, watering-place, pond, horse-pond
- В Нидерландах есть обы́чай, что, когда при постро́йке дома дошли́ до наивы́сшей то́чки, и кры́ша гото́ва к кла́дке черепи́цы, хозя́ин угоща́ет строи́телей так называемым «черепи́чным пи́вом», чтобы э́то отпра́здновать. На коньке́ крыши ставится флаг. Если хозя́ин скупо́й и отка́зывается угости́ть рабо́тников, ста́вят не флаг, а метлу́.In the Netherlands, it is the custom that, when during the construction of a house the highest point has been reached and the roof is ready for tiling, the client treats the construction workers to so-called "tile beer" to celebrate this. A flag is then placed on the ridge of the house. If the client is too stingy to treat, not a flag, but a broom is placed.
- Харадзюку — одно из са́мых жа́рких мест в То́кио.Harajuku is one of the hottest places in Tokyo.
- В Кио́то есть много мест, кото́рые можно посети́ть.There are many places to visit in Kyoto.
- До́ктор помести́л стетоско́п на грудь пацие́нта.The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient's chest.
- Кошки мо́гут ви́деть даже в темноте́.Cats can see even in dark places.
- Они переезжа́ют с места на ме́сто.They move from place to place.
- Мы постели́ли на стол бе́лую ска́терть.We placed a white tablecloth over the table.
- Нельзя быть одновременно в двух места́х.You can't be at two places at once.
- Во мно́гих места́х слепы́е лю́ди продаю́т лотере́йные биле́ты.In many places blind persons sell lottery tickets.
- Я на пути́ к одному из мои́х са́мых люби́мых мест!I'm on my way to one of my favorite places ever!
- Давай реши́м, каки́е места мы будем посеща́ть.Let's decide on the places we'll visit.
- Вилки для сала́та ме́ньше, чем обы́чные, и их кладут дальше от таре́лки.Salad forks are smaller than dinner forks and are placed further from the plate.
- Я положи́л лекарство в недосту́пное для дете́й ме́сто.I placed the medicine out of the children's reach.
- Как всегда, я неправильно произноси́л слова и де́лал па́узы не в тех места́х предложе́ний.As usual, I mispronounced words and broke my sentences up in the wrong places.
- Я не могу́ быть в двух места́х одновременно.I can't be in two places at the same time.
- Нам нужно, чтобы вы подтверди́ли свое прису́тствие, потому что коли́чество мест ограничено.We need you to confirm your attendance because places are limited.
- Компью́тер располо́жен слева от же́нщин.The computer is placed to the left of the women.
- Э́то ме́сто, где произошел инциде́нт.This is the place where the incident took place.
- Э́то ме́сто, где произошло́ сраже́ние.This is the place where the battle took place.
- Э́то ме́сто, где состоя́лась би́тва.This is the place where the battle took place.
- Много опа́сных мест в Ло́ндоне.There are lots of risky places in London.
- Том избегал те места, где кури́ли.Tom avoided places where people smoked.
- Пожалуйста, воздержитесь от куре́ния в обще́ственных места́х.Please refrain from smoking in public places.
- В фи́льме пришло́сь сде́лать не́сколько сокраще́ний.The movie had to be cut in several places.
- Том соста́вил спи́сок мест, кото́рые он хоте́л бы посети́ть.Tom made a list of places he wanted to visit.
- Существу́ет так много мест, кото́рые я хочу́ посети́ть.There are so many places I want to visit.
- Заводи́ть друзе́й легко даже в но́вых места́х.It is easy to make friends even in the new places.
- Исла́мская культу́ра дала́ нам вели́чественные а́рки и стро́йные шпи́ли, неувяда́ющую поэ́зию и прекра́сную му́зыку, элега́нтную каллигра́фию и уголки́ для ти́хого созерца́ния.Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.
- Де́тям веле́ли заня́ть свои́ места.The children have been instructed to take their places.
- Стол и крова́ть стоя́ли на прежних места́х.The table and the bed stood in their former places.
- Я же говори́л тебе, что нужно заня́ть места заранее. Теперь не оста́лось мест совсем.I told you we should've gotten here earlier. Now there aren't any places left to sit.
- Произошло́ так много измене́ний, есть некоторые места, кото́рые я даже не узнаю.It's changed so much, there are some places I don't even recognise.
- У Тома есть высокопоставленные друзья́.Tom has friends in high places.
- Во-первых, э́то слишком дорого, а, во-вторых, э́то мне не нра́вится.In the first place, it's too expensive, and in the second place, I don't like it.
- В э́той компа́нии есть две вака́нсии.There are two places vacant in the company.
- Стол можно пока поста́вить туда.The table can be placed over there for now.
- В го́роде есть чуде́сные места для прогу́лок с детьми́.The city has wonderful places to walk with children.
- Ка́ждый из них за́нял своё ме́сто в шере́нге.They took their respective places in line.
- Она положи́ла обе руки на его грудь.She placed both hands on his chest.
- Года не хва́тит, чтобы посмотре́ть всё в Кио́то.One year is not enough to visit all the places in Kyoto.
- Зи́мние Олимпи́йские игры 2014 будут проводи́ться в Сочи́, несмотря на то что э́то одно из немно́гих мест в России, где зимой не быва́ет снега.The 2014 Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi, even though it's one of the only places in Russia where there is no snow in winter.
- Мы добьёмся успе́ха, если объедини́мся с ними.We'll go places if we team up with them.
- Здесь неподалёку есть много мест, кото́рые можно посмотре́ть.There are a lot of places to see around here.
- Он много где побыва́л.He has been to many places.
- Ему часто прихо́дится иска́ть успокое́ния в места́х у воды.He often needs to seek solace in places near water.
- Должно быть, хорошо име́ть друзе́й на высо́ких до́лжностях.It must be nice to have friends in high places.
- На Хоккайдо есть много мест, кото́рые стоит посмотре́ть.There are a lot of places to see in Hokkaido.
- Э́то всего лишь плацебо.It's only a placebo.
- Я был во мно́гих места́х в Ирландии.I've been to many places in Ireland.
- Нельзя находи́ться в двух места́х одновременно.You can't be in two places at once.
- Она ходи́ла с места на ме́сто в по́исках его.She went from place to place in search of him.
- Я не быва́л ни в одном из тех мест.I've been to neither of those places.
- Что за места вам хотелось бы посмотре́ть?What kind of places would you like to see?
- Так много мест, где я не был.So many places, I haven't been to.
- Я бы хоте́л воспо́льзоваться э́той возмо́жностью, чтобы поблагодари́ть вас за всё то дове́рие, кото́рые вы нам оказа́ли.I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the trust you've placed in us.
- Куско явля́ется одним из са́мых интере́сных мест в ми́ре.Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world.
- Наш гид зна́ет исто́рию всех э́тих мест.Our guide knows the history of all these places.
- Бо́мба помещена и активирована.The bomb has been placed and armed.
- Я обычно не ем в таки́х места́х.I don't usually eat at places like this.
- Я обычно не ем в подо́бных места́х.I don't usually eat at places like this.
- Он был во мно́гих места́х.He has been to many places.
- Поменя́йся со мной местами.Switch places with me.
- Анна зна́ет пе́рвую ты́сячу зна́ков числа пи наизусть.Anna knows the first thousand decimal places of π by heart.
- Бостон — одно из мест, кото́рые я посети́л про́шлым летом.Boston is one of the places I visited last summer.
- Мэри положи́ла кошелёк на стол.Mary placed her purse on the table.
- Э́то просто плацебо.It's just a placebo.
- Анте́нны желательно размести́ть на самой высо́кой части зда́ния.Antennas should be placed on the highest part of the building, preferably.
- Он сде́лал акце́нт на ва́жности образова́ния.He placed emphasis on the importance of education.
- Я зна́ю все места, где можно спря́таться.I know all the places to hide.
- Арха́нгельск дальше, чем самое да́льнее ме́сто, како́е ты мо́жешь себе предста́вить.Arkhangelsk is the farthest of the farthest places you can imagine.
- Арха́нгельск дальше, чем самое да́льнее ме́сто, како́е вы мо́жете себе предста́вить.Arkhangelsk is the farthest of the farthest places you can imagine.
- В Япо́нии много краси́вых мест.There are a lot of beautiful places in Japan.
- Я ду́маю, что Бостон — одно из са́мых дороги́х для жи́зни мест в ми́ре.I think Boston is one of the most expensive places in the world to live.
- На наше́й земле́ оста́лось очень мало мест, не тро́нутых цивилиза́цией.Very few places on our earth remain undisturbed by civilization.
- Том положи́л цветы́ Мэри на моги́лу.Tom placed the flowers on Mary's grave.
- Она редко хо́дит в таки́е места.She seldom goes to places like that.
- Мы посети́ли довольно много мест.We visited quite a few places.
- Вы зна́ете много интере́сных мест, не так ли?You know many interesting places, don't you?
- Ты зна́ешь много интере́сных мест, не так ли?You know many interesting places, don't you?
- Здесь мало мест для парко́вки.There are few places to park around here.
- Терпе́ть не могу́ таки́е места, как Бостон, Чика́го и т.д.I hate places like Boston, Chicago, etc.
- Счита́ется, что гомеопа́тия — псевдонаука и по́льзы от неё не больше, чем от плацебо.Homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience and is no more effective than placebos.
- Мэри отвезли́ в больни́цу и помести́ли в иску́сственную ко́му.Mary is taken to the hospital and placed in a medically induced coma.
- Си́льный ветер в нескольких места́х переби́л электри́ческие провода.The strong wind cut the electric wires in several places.
- Они поменя́лись местами.They switched places with each other.
- Полице́йский арестова́л Тома.The police officer placed Tom under arrest.
- Том и Мэри сиде́ли на свои́х обы́чных места́х.Tom and Mary were sitting in their usual places.
- Мэри ста́ла руки в боки.Mary placed her hands on her hips.
- В некоторых места́х глубина́ океа́на больше, чем высота́ са́мых высо́ких гор!In some places, the ocean is deeper than the tallest mountains are high!
- Том был помещён под дома́шний аре́ст.Tom was placed under house arrest.
- Мэри оберну́ла буты́лку с горя́чей водо́й полоте́нцем и приложи́ла её ко лбу Тома.Mary wrapped a hot water bottle in a towel and placed it on Tom's forehead.
- Лос-Анджелес — одно из тех мест, где мне хотелось бы побыва́ть.Los Angeles is one of the places that I'd like to visit.
- В интере́сных места́х всегда можно встре́тить тури́стов из любы́х уголко́в плане́ты.In interesting places you can always meet tourists from around the world.
- Хоте́л бы я поменя́ться местами с То́мом, но не могу́.I wish I could change places with Tom, but I can't.
- Зано́за под но́гтем — одна из наиболее боле́зненных.One of the most painful places to get a splinter is under the fingernail.
- Том оказа́лся четвёртым и не вы́играл меда́ль.Tom placed fourth and did not win a medal.
- Каки́е места ты хоте́л бы посети́ть?What places would you like to visit?
- Каки́е места вы хоте́ли бы посети́ть?What places would you like to visit?
- Пти́цы сви́ли гнездо́ на одной из ве́ток.The birds placed a nest on a branch.
- Э́то одно из са́мых опа́сных мест на Земле́.This is one of the most dangerous places on earth.