Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

some russian

  • на

    on (place)

    on (day/week)

    on (means of transport)

    to (direction)

    onto, upon (direction), against (something)

    at (location)


  • по

    along, down, through, across

    about, under, for

    by the means of, on

    hit or punch somewhere

    after a certain age

    to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)

    on the subject of, on

  • от

    from (away)

    from (part of a whole)

    from (cause)

    from (distance)

    from (someone)

    from (range)

    for, against a purpose


  • друго́й

    other, another, another thing, something else, others, the rest

  • под




    to go down/below

    to go/put under something

    (impression, affection)

    over, for

  • не́сколько


    a few


  • не́который


  • боя́ться

    to be afraid, dread, fear

    constant state of fear from something or someone

  • иногда́

    sometimes, at times

  • забы́ть

    to forget [something]

    to neglect

    to leave, forget to bring or take

    to let it go, let it slip

  • посла́ть

    to send, dispatch

    to swear (at), to tell someone to get lost

  • немно́го

    a little, some, somewhat, slightly

  • ли́бо


    either...or (in terms like 'либо .., либо')

    any- / some- (in words combined with '-либо')

  • пое́хать

    to go somewhere (in a vehicle)

    to go for a ride, go for a drive

  • звать

    to call (someone a name)

    to call (for someone or something)

    to invite

  • представля́ть

    to introduce, to place before [someone]

    to imagine, to place before [one’s mind]

    to represent

  • чужо́й


    somebody else's

  • почу́вствовать

    to start to feel something/sensation

  • привести́

    to bring (someone with)

    to lead (of a road)

    to result, to lead, to bring

    (mathematics) to reduce

    to quote, to cite, to list

  • отда́ть

    to give back, to return

    To dedicate or give up (something, like time, energy, or effort)

    to send

    to devote

    to cast (anchor)

    to recoil (of a gun)

  • свя́занный

    connected (with something), related

  • служи́ть

    to serve (eg. in the military)

    to serve (someone or something)

  • относи́ться

    relate (to have to do with something)

    to treat someone some way (reflexive)

    to apply

  • кусо́к

    a piece

    grand (one thousand of some currency)

  • не́кий

    some, a certain

  • име́ться

    to be

    to be owned by someone

  • устро́ить


    make or set up something

    to help enroll someone somewhere

  • отря́д

    а group of people organized for joint activity or the performance of some kind of activity

    Special military group

    а subdivision in animal taxonomy

  • проговори́ть

    to talk through

    spend some time talking

  • не́что

    something (something you find difficult to describe)

  • исто́чник

    source, a place where something is born appears or begins to spread


  • вы́дать

    to issue, give out

    expressed, reveal, give up


    pretend (to be someone), impersonate

  • забра́ть

    to take someone/something away with you

  • обойти́сь

    to act or treat in some way

    to cost

    to do with or without something

  • напра́вить

    direct, turn, aim, level, send, refer, sharpen

    turn toward

    aim something

  • верши́на


    the highest part of something

  • сходи́ть

    with "не" to not get up/off from somewhere

    with "не" constantly be somewhere/location

    with "не" constantly be visible

    to go down from somewhere

    to get off vehicle at a stop

  • назна́чить

    To appoint someone to a position

    To schedule or set a time for something

    prescribe, set, assign ( cost, date, responsibilities..)

  • проче́сть

    to read, read something short, same as прочитать

  • измени́ть

    change, alter, vary

    cheat (on someone), betray

  • спо́рить

    to argue with someone

    to wager

  • ору́дие

    tool or device for performing some work

  • записа́ть

    jot down or take note


    write over something

  • везти́

    to transport someone/something (by vehicle)

    to be lucky

  • тащи́ть

    Carry something heavy

    to drag

    to pull

  • сообрази́ть

    to figure out [something], derives from prefix со and root образ

  • спря́тать

    to hide something

  • разгля́дывать

    to gaze intently and carefully at someone or something/to examine

  • произведе́ние

    process of work/production of something

    work of art

    product (mathematics)

  • отозва́ться

    to speak of someone

    to echo/respond

  • води́ть

    to lead (take) someone/something (by foot)

    to drive (a vehicle)

  • вы́браться

    get out from somewhere, escape

  • смешно́

    to consider something funny, ridiculous, it makes one laugh, comically

  • предположи́ть

    assume/mentally allow possibility of something, presume, imply

  • побыва́ть

    be at, be somewhere, visit, make a visit as an official, visit as a tourist, to stay


  • опи́сать

    to pee on someone

  • учи́лище

    Secondary or higher educational institution usually of some special purpose

  • ука́зывать

    to point out/at [something], indicate

  • необыкнове́нный

    unusual, uncommon, extraordinary (conveys a sense of something truly special, amazing, or astonishing)

  • уче́сть

    take into account(= to remember something)

  • подвести́

    to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)

    to place (under)

    to support (with)

    to group together

    to suggest

    to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)

    to pencil, outline

  • огляде́ть

    to look over/examine/look all around something

  • разверну́ть

    To open something folded up, unfold.

    To open, remove a wrapping, unwrap.

    To position, deploy in width along the front line.

    To manifest fully, to allow to develop.

    To explain is details and extensively.

    To organize, establish, undertake on a large scale.

    To turn and direct in the opposite direction from the original one.

    To achieve a change of a certain trend to the opposite one.

  • сообража́ть

    to figure out [something]

  • спосо́бствовать

    to contribute to something

    help (to promote further)

  • нападе́ние

    attack or assault on someone

  • приподня́ть

    to slightly raise/lift something

  • поде́лать

    to do

    to not be able to do something about it (with it "с")

  • необы́чный

    unusual( simply indicates something uncommon or strange.)

  • дыра́

    а crack breach or emptiness in something

    (colloquial) A city village etc remote from the centers of culture


  • пое́сть

    eat, take some food

  • треск

    A sharp sound from something cracked/burst/broken

  • нару́жу

    outside (to the outside/being limit of something)

  • приступи́ть

    to start something

  • промолча́ть

    to remain silent

    to remain quiet for some period of time

    to avoid answering by remaining quiet

  • придава́ть

    attribute, attach, assign, give

    give to something or makes it some way

  • прижа́ться

    to press up against something

  • преиму́щество


    Exclusive right to something

  • завали́ть

    to cover or fill something

    (colloquial) to fail a test

    to be swamped with some work

  • дёрнуть

    to pull / tug / pull out, to pull about, to move sharply, to jerk, to twitch

    to pull on someone's nerves, to pester, to disturb

    (low colloquial) to drink, to knock one back

  • ко́нчик

    (colloquial) tip (sharp/narrow end of something

  • кача́ть

    to rock

    to pump (extract from something)

    create ossilarly rhythmic movement

  • занести́

    to bring to someone in passing

    to bring in or to

    to cover

  • дуть


    blow glass (transitive) (выдуть)

    do something with passion

    drink alot of something (выдуть)

  • забира́ть

    take away, to seize, to collect, to take possession of

    pick someone up and take away

  • схвати́ться

    to grab/grasp at (за кого-что)

    to engage in a battle

    (colloquial)suddenly remember or to come to senses

    (simple) Get up and jump up with a quick movement

    (simple) hastily or suddenly start something

    to set or harden (about binder/sticky substance/cement)

  • вне́шность


    The outer visible part of something

  • оборва́ть

    to tear off or pluck (in stages and all around)

    to cut off the flow of something (coversation etc)

  • отвезти́

    to accompany

    to drive someone/something away

  • подсказа́ть

    Tell (how to do something)

  • разма́хивать

    to swing something

  • по́лость

    cavity (space within something)

  • пребыва́ть

    to be (at some place) remain or stay

  • пёстрый

    covered with multi-colored spots stripes made up of something painted in different colors

    heterogeneous in composition consisting of heterogeneous parts

    ornate pretentious (about speech phrase etc)

  • испу́г

    fright or the strong emotional reaction from something terrible

  • изложи́ть

    state/set out/to expound/express something in words/written/oral

  • пробира́ться

    to make way through something

  • теле́га

    A four-wheeled cart with a low body and a shaft or drawbar team for transporting someone

    complaint a slander a denunciation

    hard thankless work

    a song in the hip-hop genre Rap verses

  • дава́ться

    to come to you, surrender, how is going something

  • наста́ть

    (bookish) to set come on or begin (about time or some state)
